The reinforced inspections for Colombians at border points were one of the measures ordered by President Trump after the Colombian government refused to receive two deportation flights. These will continue until repatriations are successfully resumed.
The president of the United States, Donald Trump, ordered the Office of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), to do “Reinforced inspections” to all nationals and cargoes in Colombia that enter American territory. This as part of the measures taken by the country to the refusal of the Colombian government to receive two deportation flights on Sunday.
Although hours after the beginning of the dispute between the two countries, the Gustavo Petro's government “accepted all Trump's terms”, the “reinforced inspections” will in effect “until the first flight with Colombian deportees” is achieved “successfully”, according to The White House said.
CBP, meanwhile, explained that he is “taking decisive measures” to follow the order of President Trump.
This includes even more strict control and surveillance of commercial and cargo flights that travel from and to Colombia, they said.
Among other things, they would already be denying the shipment to flights to the US to people who under the imposed sanctions, the visa or Colombian government officials were canceled who were imposed by a “prohibition of travel”.
This was an additional measure ordered by Trump, which contemplates the “prohibition of traveling and immediate visas for Colombian government officials and all their allies and supporters.”
The Secretary of State, Marco Rubiohe complied with Trump's mandate and ordered the immediate suspension of the issuance of visas in the consular section of the United States Embassy in Bogotá on Sunday, and authorized the travel sanctions “to people and their families who were responsible for the interference of United States repatriation flight operations. ”
In Colombia, obtaining an appointment for a visa can take up to two years. Official figures from the State Department in October point to more than 50,000 Colombians received tourism or work visas only in that month.
CBP has different inspection strategies according to the port of entry through which a traveler arrives, whether by air, land or sea. In a reinforced inspection, the review is exhaustive and may include prolonged interrogations or detailed review of the permanence.
In an airport, all travelers must complete a customs statement and be inspected by a border officer, who will seek to determine why he is entering the US, review the necessary documents and decide, in case of those who are not US citizens or permanent residents, How long can be in the country.
In a land entrance port, when you arrive with a car or walking, you must submit to the same process. Sometimes, people could be sent to a secondary inspection to determine whether or not to enter the US, according to the agency.
This applies to Colombians who have current documentation to travel to the United States.
The Colombian government, on the other hand, said that “the Impasse with the USA” exceeded “and made available the presidential plane to” facilitate the worthy return “of citizens who were going to return to the country on military flights.