Welcome to www.layouth.com. For 25 years from January 1988 to January 2013, our organization published L.A. Youth, the newspaper by and about Los Angeles teens. Though the newspaper is no longer being published, this site remains as a legacy of 25 years of excellent teen journalism and writing. We want it to serve as a valuable free resource for students, teachers and all readers who understand the importance of seeing the world through teens’ eyes. This site contains the complete archives of L.A. Youth from 1999 through January 2013.
Teachers, you are welcome to print stories for use in your classrooms. You can use the search feature to look up stories on any subject. Our stories are on topics appropriate for middle and high school readers, including mental health, drug use, relationships, college, violence and education.
Lesson plans and teacher’s guides with discussion questions are also available for most issues.