"When I was 13, I was walking down the street and I passed two girls sitting on the steps of a building. One girl asked my name. She asked me if I had a girl and I said no. Then she was like, ‘Well, here is my friend.’ Her friend had her back to me. She just giggled. She was too shy to speak to me. Her friend was telling me all her business. When I found out she was 16, I said, ‘Cool,’ but she kept her back to me. She didn’t say anything for a while, so I just walked off.
They had my phone number and her friend would call, asking if I liked her friend or not. The girl would sometimes call herself, but always on three-way. It got annoying and I never got a chance to know her. So girls, don’t call so much, there is not that much to talk about. And don’t let your friend talk for you, speak up."
—Nick Williams, 17, Daniel Murphy HS
"It’s really cool when a girl is up-front. Many a relationship has never happened because the girl never told the guy how she felt. I have been in several relationships when the girl was really shy even when we were going out. To me, unwillingness to express your feelings with your boyfriend is really unattractive."
—Matt Jones, 16, Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies
"There was this girl in my bio class who used to flirt with me and put me on that she wanted to hook up. On the side she was talking to some other guy. She used to talk to me about the guys she was talking to and that got me confused. I guess I stopped having interest, and we just became cool. I wish girls would be more detailed about where they want the relationship to go. Don’t expect to be pursued all the time, guys like to be pursued also."
—Hassan Nicholas, 16, Hamilton HS
"Lots of times girls go out in groups, which makes them less approachable. Approaching one girl is hard enough, but approaching three or four is much more difficult. It complicates matters."
—Tommy, 17, Daniel Murphy HS
"There was a boy I really liked and I thought he liked me too. Everyone would come up to me and ask if we were going out. Then I found out he was desperately in love with my friend. If you don’t like a girl, don’t act like you do. Another time I liked a guy a lot and I found out that he used to like me. He was going to ask me out but never did. Guys: ask her out. You’ve got nothing to lose."
—Diana Park, 15, La Cañada HS
"This one guy was in love with my friend. He wouldn’t stop talking about her. After she turned him down, he was still hung up on her, but he asked me out. That gave me the impression he was settling for me when he really wanted her. Don’t do that, guys. Also, honking or yelling from your car isn’t going to get you anywhere."
—Gohar Galyan, 18, Marshall HS
"Don’t assume things about me, ask me. Talk! That’s why God gave you a mouth. And stop playing games. Either you like me or you don’t, either you’re ready or you’re not, but don’t give me mixed messages."
—Ambar Espinoza, 17, University HS
"I was supposed to go out with this guy but we didn’t go. I asked him what he did that weekend and he said he was working. Later I overheard him talking to one of his friends and he said he went to a party. It made me angry. I wouldn’t have been angry if he had told the truth. Just be honest!"
—Blanca Rivera, 16, Polytechnic HS
"Be sweet and friendly, even when you’re with your male friends. Try to make all situations fun for both the girl and yourself, unless it’s obvious that you’re annoying her. Play around, but don’t be too annoying. Flirt sometimes, but do set everything straight."
—Alia Aidyralieva, 16, Bravo Medical Magnet