‘N Sync: love ’em or leave ’em?

‘N Sync should go ‘bye, bye, bye’

By Hayley Roberts, 15, Marlborough School

Wails and moans mixed with lyrics that rhyme, but don’t quite make sense—that’s the music of ‘N Sync. Check out the gibberish on their new album: "Digital getdown/ just what we need/ … we can get together on the digital screen."

Groups like ‘N Sync have taken over the charts in America and I can’t understand why. Why do people choose to listen to bands with no real talent? I bet they have to lip-synch at their own concerts.

‘N Sync tries hard for an older R&B sound, closer to groups like Dru Hill and Jagged Edge, rather than the sickly sweet stuff that comes from Backstreet Boys and 98 Degrees. ‘N Sync thinks that they have achieved R&B status by putting lyrics like "Let’s get freaky-freaky/ Let’s get nasty-nasty" into their songs. But ‘N Sync singers don’t have the talent to be called R&B artists. They should stick to their own class. Most pop groups know they can’t compete with people who make real music, and they accept it. Why does ‘N Sync feel a twisted need to try to be something it’s not?

The only reason for ‘N Sync’s success is that people think they’re attractive. I won’t lie, I do think that J.C. is cute. But that doesn’t mean I have to buy their album. In five years, when Justin, J.C., Chris, Joey and Lance are in their 30s, losing their hair and 20 pounds heavier, even the so-called die-hard ‘N Sync fans will have lost interest.

What’s so bad about a clean-cut, cute group?

By Elizabeth Del Cid, 17, North Hollywood High School

Lately, every time I turn on my radio I hear "Bye, Bye, Bye" and every time I turn on my television screen MTV is interviewing a "J.C." or a "Curly." My classmates at North Hollywood High are all talkin’ about ‘N Sync.

"’N Sync is full of spunk and energy! Their songs are great and their dance moves are awesome," said Paria Sadighi, 16.

"I like their choreography and J.C. has a really nice voice," said Jody Salazar, 15.

I cannot say I am an obsessed fan of J.C., Chris, Lance or what have you, but I like what they have done as leaders.

Soon after the Columbine shooting took place, the band members went to the school in Colorado to offer encouragement and express their condolences. I think that’s nice. How many famous people will take the time to help out those who need cheering up?

"I respect the group a lot because the message in their music is a positive message: the message of life that promotes the public well being through musical lyrics," said substitute teacher Eduardo Zurita, 28.

"They are good people that make others feel good about themselves with their music," said Laszlo Halasz, 15, when asked why he is a fan of ‘N Sync.

In addition, J.C. and Curly are former Mickey Mouse Club members, much like pop singer Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera who have became favorites among youth.

"The band members look innocent," said Ilder Betancourt, 15.

"They are good role models for the youth of America. There isn’t any news of them doing drugs and I think it’s wonderful that they don’t have any tattoos. They are young and going to school," said Mr. Zurita, who believes that the band is very inspiring.

The members of ‘N Sync are Joshua Chasez (who goes by J.C.), Justin Timberlake (affectionately known as Curly), Chris Kirkpatrick (the one who had the great idea to make a band), Lance Bass (the bass vocalist), and Joey Fatone. They are currently under the direction of Jive Records. Prior, they ended their contract with RCA Records because they felt they were being cheated.

"The song, ‘No Strings Attached,’ shows all the independence they [‘N Sync] have and everything they have gone through to get to the top," said Paria.

"I know ‘N Sync will last because they’re not easily influenced by the entertainment industry, and they love what they are doing there will always be a Lance, J.C., Joey, Justin and Chris," said Paria.

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