Teens look back on 9/11

Ten years later, teens say they have a better understanding of the attacks.

Movie review: My Idiot Brother

Christian, 18, says that while Our Idiot Brother had some flaws, it will make you laugh.

Book review: Burned

Patricia, 19, loved Ellen Hopkins’s chilling story about a girl who goes on a journey to learn her faith, love and a woman’s role.

I helped beautify my city

Michelle, 17, helped paint a mural on her city’s library and gave a boring street a literary-themed facelift.

I liked the design for the mural, which showed scenes from famous books and authors’ faces, but I wished that I gotten a chance to help in the design process. I’m hoping that if the committee can raise funds to replace the mural in the next few months, I will get the chance to give something of my own to Temple City.

What do you think of dowloading?

“I never download music. I don’t feel it’s right. The artists are working so hard to make their music so

I wish I were thinner

Trying to lose weight the unhealthy way didn’t work for 16-year-old Merryck.