Can a girl ask a guy out?

“Before I thought it was kind of awkward and not so girly-like. But now I’m in high school and I

How (not) to get the guy

Jazmine, 17, wanted guys to know she liked them, but she was a failure at flirting.

Vegetarıan challenge

Many teens try to be vegetarian at some point in their lives, whether it’s for their health, animal rights or the environment. We decided to see how hard it would be to not eat meat for seven days.

No meat, no problem

Seth, 14, wasn’t happy when his family decided to be vegan, but now he likes tofu and soy milk.

Spinning it old school

Sydney, 16, thinks vinyl records are the best way to listen to music.

Cheap and chic

Camille, 16, likes shopping at thrift stores because she can look good without spending a lot.

Grading teachers

Our staff writers say there are better ways to evaluate teachers than using students’ test scores.

Do I belong here?

The discrimination Miguel, 18, has faced has made him wonder if he’s welcome in America.

This was the first time I had faced racism and it made me wonder if people looked down on Latinos. But I didn’t find out why until 10th grade, when my class did a project on stereotypes in the media. That day our teacher was talking about the stereotypes of different people. We learned the stereotypes about Mexicans: that they are poor and lazy. I didn’t know that was how a lot of people saw us.