Odd girl out
The cool kids didn’t accept Charmaine, 18, but she finally found a group that did.
October 19, 2010
The cool kids didn’t accept Charmaine, 18, but she finally found a group that did.
Going to a treatment center for troubled kids helped Tiffany stop fighting and become someone she’s proud of.
Getting around on his bike gives 17-year-old Sam the freedom to explore the city.
Anthony, 16, loves to dance but he had to overcome his fear of performing.
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Patricia, 19, has spent months trying to find her first job.
It might not be cool, but 17-year-old Jose loves learning and the friends he’s made.
Learning CPR makes Sydney, 14, feel more prepared in an emergency.
Patricia, 19, says that while the Paranormal Activity sequel provides some scares, it was ultimately disappointing.
A proposed freeway extension could demolish the houses in 17-year-old Audrey’s neighborhood.