What do you think of dowloading?
“I never download music. I don’t feel it’s right. The artists are working so hard to make their music so
May 24, 2011
“I never download music. I don’t feel it’s right. The artists are working so hard to make their music so
Christian, 17, stopped stealing music when he realized it hurts the artists he loves.
Trying to lose weight the unhealthy way didn’t work for 16-year-old Merryck.
Aaron, Avika and Patricia say that with all the action in Part 2 the Harry Potter series ends with a bang.
Yejean, 17, couldn’t stop going on, even though it made her feel left out.
Camille, 14, was awed by Tim Burton’s creative mind.
Foster care split up me and my siblings, but now I’m so happy that we’re together again.
Now that Claire, 16, has her license, she no longer needs the bus.
Victor, 18, recommends Bad Teacher for a good laugh.
l I’ve been involved with the Council of Youth Research since the summer of sophomore year. I joined the council