Debate made my school a more tolerant place
Sarah, 16, felt the heated arguments between liberals and conservatives at Flintridge Prep. resulted in greater acceptance of differences.
March 25, 2003
Sarah, 16, felt the heated arguments between liberals and conservatives at Flintridge Prep. resulted in greater acceptance of differences.
Gary says Michael’s weird, but he made a huge contribution to entertainment.
Students give their views on Michael Jackson.
In a couple of days, Jenn, 17, went from hating the cold and the bruises to loving her snowboard.
Brynn, 18, says going to war is wrong because the president has not presented any justifiable reason why war would solve things in Iraq. w/ photo gallery.
Candace, 16, argues in favor of Bush administration policies because he supports lower taxes and a strong military.
Students give their opinions on the U.S. taking action against Iraq.
Valentina, 15, argues in favor of Bush administration policies and as Americans we should respect his decisions and support him.
Seth, 16, feels that Bush’s policies will hurt the economy.