By Editors,

“Answer our survey!
This survey helps the teen and adult staff of LA Youth find out who you are and what you think should be in the newspaper. If you answer every question, you will be entered in a drawing for a free copy of the new LA Youth anthology and $25! The deadline is December 15, 1998.
Here’s how to enter your survey. Fill out this questionnaire and mail it in to LA Youth. Please feel free to make as many copies as you like and give them to as many other students as you want. One survey—only one—per student, please.

Mail the questionnaire to:
Readership survey
LA Youth
6030 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. 201
Los Angeles CA 90036

1. Where did you get this copy of LA Youth?
A. In class or from a teacher
B. School library
C. Nurse’s office
D. Public library
E. Teen agency or shelter
F. My friend gave it to me
G. Other (write in) ____________

2. How many issues of LA Youth have you read?
A. This is the first one I’ve seen
B. Two
C. Three
D. More than three

3. How much did you read of this issue?
A. Some
B. Most
C. All

4. Of all the things you have read in LA Youth, is there one particular article that is your favorite? (write in)
5. What do you like about LA Youth? (Circle all that apply)
A. It covers controversial topics I’m interested in
B. It’s written by teens
C. It shows a good side of teens instead of making them look like criminals
D. I understand it
E. Other (write in)


6. How many people read your copy of LA Youth?
A. Just me
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five
F. Six or more

7. Do your parents read LA Youth?
A. Yes
B. No

8. What would you like to see more of in LA Youth? (Circle all that you would like to see more of)
A. News on school matters
B. Information on jobs
C. Fiction, poetry
D. Movie and music reviews
E. Sports
F. News on college
G. Celebrity interviews
H. Games, puzzles or a word search

9. Which of the following article ideas sounds the most interesting to you?
A. Why school sucks
B. Relationships
C. Parent hassles
D. Coping with depression

10. Would you like our legal column to address any of the following topics:
A. Dealing with police
B. Immigration
C. Becoming a citizen
D. Sexual harassment
E. Discrimination
F. Problems at work

11. After reading LA Youth have you done any of the following?
A. Sent a letter to the editor
B. Called a number from the LA Youth Helpline phone number list
C. Volunteered
D. Changed one of your habits
E. Used an article to write a school paper
F. Gone to a movie recommended by LA Youth
G. Talked to your parents or a counselor about an article in LA Youth

12. Do you speak another language (other than or in addition to English) at home?
A. Yes
B. No

13. If yes, would you like to see some articles in another language?
A. Yes, please publish some articles in ______________ (write in)
B. No

14. Do you drive?
A. Yes
B. No

15. If yes, whose car?
A. I own my own car
B. I borrow my parents’ car
C. I borrow a friend’s car

16. Do you have a job?
A. Yes
B. No.

17. If yes, please tell us about your job (write in)
My position is _______________ (type of job you do)
I work for _________________ (company or place)
I earn ____________ (hourly wage)

18. What music do you like (pick two):
A. Top 40
B. Alternative rock
C. House or other dance music
D. Heavy metal
E. Rap, hip-hop and R&B
F. Country
G. New Age
H. Jazz or classical
I. Oldies
J. Classic rock

19. What radio stations do you listen to? (write in)

Tell us how worried you are about the following topics: (Circle your response)

20. Crime and safety
Extremely……Very……..Somewhat……..Not too worried

21. Quality of public schools
Extremely……Very……..Somewhat……..Not too worried

22. Access to and cost of health care
Extremely……Very……..Somewhat……..Not too worried

23. City transportation or traffic congestion
Extremely……Very……..Somewhat……..Not too worried

24. Illegal immigration
Extremely……Very……..Somewhat……..Not too worried

25. Race relations
Extremely……Very……..Somewhat……..Not too worried

26. Bilingual education
Extremely……Very……..Somewhat……..Not too worried

27. What are the greatest problems facing youth in your community? (Circle all that apply)
A. Drugs, alcohol or smoking
B. Gangs
C. Poor education
D. Teen pregnancy
E. Being afraid of being shot
F. Parents aren’t around much
G. No positive role models
H. Nothing to do
I. No jobs
J. Racial conflict and racism
K. Families have financial problems

28. Do you currently participate in an organized religion (like going to church)?
A. Yes
B. No

29. Do you currently participate in a club outside school (such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, or other social clubs)?
A. Yes
B. No

30. What is the best thing about your life right now? (write in)

The following information is optional, however you must fill out the survey in full to be eligible for the free LA Youth anthology and $25 prize. Your personal information will be kept confidential.

31. Your age: (write in) ____
32. Your grade: (write in) ____
33. Your school: (write in) _____________
34. Your race or ethnicity:
A. White
B. Black
C. Latino
D. Asian
E. Other (write in) ________________
35. Your sex:
A. Male
B. Female
36. Your home street address (write in):

37. Your home city (write in):

38. Your home zip code (write in):

39. Your home phone (write in):

40. How many people live in your household including yourself (write in) ________

Mail the questionnaire by Dec. 15 to:
Readership survey
LA Youth
6030 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. 201
Los Angeles CA 90036

The deadline is December 15”