Where to Get Help
List of resources for teens.
Violence is not the answer. Talk or see someone about your problems at the following agencies, or reach out to a family or friend you trust. For more listings, see our Helplines on page 21.
Talk to someone:
• California Youth Crisis Line: (800) 843-5200
• Teen Line offers counseling by other teens: (310) 855-HOPE
See someone:
• Helpline Youth Counseling in Southeast LA: (562) 864-3722
• Toughlove for parents and teens in conflict over disruptive behavior: (562) 860-7575
• Bereavement support groups at Our House: (310) 475-0299; or Count Too: (805) 379-5588
• Edelman Mental Health Center provides medication, individual and family therapy and case management for those under 18: (310) 966-6565.