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What Will They Ask You?

What will they ask you?

Here are some sample questions that an employer may ask during a job interview, drawn from Financial Fitness for Life, a book published by the National Council on Economic Education:

1. Why are you applying for this job?

2. What about the job most appeals to you?

3. What about the job, if anything, does not appeal to you?

4. What are your qualifications for this position?

5. What experiences do you have that will be helpful to you in this job?

6. What are your strengths?

7. What are your weaknesses?

8. What would you like to be doing five years from now, and how do you think this job can help you get there?

9. Is there anything else I should know about you in considering you for this position?

Interviewer’s Evaluation

Some employers prefer that managers fill out a form after each interview. These are some of the kinds of things employers might have to report on:

The job applicant: (check all that apply)

___ Seemed prepared for the interview
___ Appeared confident
___ Communicated clearly
___ Was able to relate strengths and/or experiences to job needs

The job application: (check all that apply)
___ Was neatly prepared and presented
___ Was thorough
___ Did a good job of highlighting the candidate’s strengths and skills

The things that most impress me about this job applicant are:

The areas in which this candidate might improve are:

Used with permission. Financial Fitness for Life: Bringing Home the Gold, copyright © 2001, National Council on Economic Education, New York, NY. All rights reserved. For more information visit www.ncee.net or call 1-800-338-1192.