"If they really have a goal in mind, they would do anything to achieve it."
—Jason Nance, 17, Westchester HS
"I believe it’s motivation. If someone is going to change from who they are to someone better it’s parents saying ‘you can do it.’"
—Paulina Ayvar, 16, Westchester HS
"The person has to want to change and at the same time they need somebody pushing them, giving them advice and motivating them."
—Miya Binion, 16, Westchester HS
"Some teens choose the gang way because of peer pressure and some teens choose the right way because of pressure."
—Ben Manufekai, 15, Morningside HS
"It’s self-esteem and a mentor helping them and letting them know that school’s the most important thing."
—Kenedra Felder, 15, Morningside HS
"I believe it would be a role model close in age. Sometimes it can be hard to relate to older role models. Also, good relationships with parents and teachers that really care about you."
—John Bennett, 16, Morningside HS
"Parent support. It’s very important for them to understand you."
Ariana Nunez, 17, Manual Arts HS