“Finally there’s a book that gives the real facts about homosexuality and bisexuality. “Out With It” addresses coming out, gender benders (society’s assumptions about appropriate behavior for men and women), homophobia, and the concerns of friends and families of gays, lesbians and bi’s. All the stories are short, honest and to the point in teen-friendly language.
How do you know you are gay? Can you tell when someone is gay or not? This book will give you some answers. The book describes how people feel about homosexuality and bisexuality, and how some people have come to accept it. The book shows how hard it is for gay, lesbian and bi teenager to discuss their sexuality with others and the responses they get from friends and family when they do come out. The Gender Bender section offers a fresh view on the role of men and women in society, particularly about dating and sexuality.
Two stories that I liked in this book are “A Gay Teammate Come Out” and “I Hate Myself.” The first story is about a popular gymnast who loses all his friends, except his two best friends, because he told the school he was gay. I liked the fact that some of his friends stayed by his side and believed that, although he was gay, he was still the same person inside.
One boy almost committed suicide
The other story, “I Hate Myself,” was about a young man who realized he was gay. The story how how hard it is to be a gay teenager when everyone else seems to be straight. In the story, the boy was close to committing suicide because of the struggle. In the end, though, he found acceptance in a local gay and lesbian youth center.
Out With It is an excellent and interesting book. I highly recommend it for teens because it relates and offers an honest viewpoint on homosexuality and bisexuality. It’s time that teens (heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals) understand each other and don’t put down or hate each other just because of their sexual preferences.
It is published by Youth Communication, which also publishes NYC, a New York City teen paper like LA Youth. It can be ordered for $8 (including postage) by calling (212) 242-3270, or look for it at A Different Light Bookstore at (310) 854-6601.”