Things you can get busted for

• Tinted windows on the front windshield and the front windows
• No part of car (front bumper or muffler) may extend below the rims
• Blue turning signal lights or back-up lights are illegal
• All-clear tail lights and many Altezza styled lights are for off-road or show room only.
• Fog lights have to be at least 15 inches above the road.
• Front license plate must be visible.
• Objects which obstruct the driver’s view like windshield banners and stuff hanging from the rear view mirror are prohibited.
• Neon lights or black light inside the car are prohibited while driving.
• Certain exhausts and catalytic converters are illegal in California.
• Sound levels cannot be audible 50 feet away while you are driving.
• No altered mufflers, cut-outs or bypasses are allowed.

• Racing—any speed contest—is illegal, even within the speed limit.
• Racing may be considered reckless driving, another offense to add if you get caught.
• Drifting techniques, in which the car slides sideways while going forward, are illegal.
• Whenever your tire loses traction, your vehicle is considered out of control even if you are within the speed limit. This applies to launching your vehicle and spinning your tires.
• Aggressive driving is illegal even within the speed limit (hard braking, fast lane changes)
• Tailgating is illegal.
• Cutting people off is illegal.
• Driving or parking on the wrong side of the street is illegal.
• Not giving oncoming cars the right of way when you turn left is illegal.
• Running a red light even when no one is around is illegal. Often, there are cameras at intersections. You might just get a ticket in the mail.

When it comes to what’s legal, don’t trust the word of other racers and especially not the shops. Many people do not know what they are talking about. Shops may also sell you something illegal and not tell you about it. Look up the California vehicle code yourself at

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