- LA Youth - https://www.layouth.com -

The Gang Violence and Juvenile Crime Initiative

The Gang Violence and Juvenile Crime Initiative, which will be on the ballot next March, gets "tough on crime" by being harsher towards youth offenders. Provisions include:

• No drug rehabilitation for minors who have admitted responsibility for an offense.

• Graffiti and participation in any gang count as a "strike" under the three strikes law.

• Any youth 14 or older must be tried in adult court if charged with capital murder, rape or a serious sex offense.

• Permits prosecutor to seek the death penalty for any gang-related murder.

• Prevents the sealing of juvenile court records when
the offender has remained offense-free for six years or more after a serious offense, if the minor was more than 14 when the offense occurred.

• Gives prosecutor authority to take a juvenile case to adult court if one of 30 different offenses can be alleged.