The Crucible

“The setting is the Puritan community of Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. That means no sex, guns and lots of babbling preachers. So you’ve probably decided to skip this review.
But wait! Winona Ryder is in it!
This movie is based on the classic, “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller. A gang of teenage girls, stifled by the crushing piety of their elders, dance naked in the woods. One girl, Abigail Williams (Winona Ryder) has lost her innocence in the bed of John Proctor (Daniel Day-Lewis) and drinks a charm to kill his wife.
Suddenly the girls are discovered and everyone starts shrieking, “Witchcraft!” Abigail becomes more psychotic than Kimberly on Melrose Place. She takes vengeance on all those who have done her wrong.
This movie has Oscar written all over it, but I have to tell you it gets slow at times. Maybe it’s because I had to read the play at school. Or maybe it’s because Winona’s not in every scene.
For once we get to see Winona as something other than a good girl. If I told you that she portrays one who is supposed to be but isn’t, I would give the plot away and that’s what you have Cliff Notes for.
Take your mom to see “The Crucible.” Shy away from taking your girlfriend—it might give her evil ideas. If you’re still grieving from a recent breakup, do take your ex to see this movie. I promise he’ll never want to come near you again. This movie ought to show him!”

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