Sweet Sounds in Walter’s ‘Ride’

“Not many people can have their cake and eat it too. Let’s see… there’s Ma-donna, L.L. Cool J, and Jaime Walters. Jaime Walters? You more than likely will recognize Walters as the Jason Priestly look-a-like on Beverly Hills 90210. However, did you know that this sideburn wearing rockabilly is also a renowned singer/songwriter? As a matter of fact, his first single “How do you talk to an angel?” bumped Boys to Men’s “End of the Road” off of the number one hot seat.
Anyway, Walter is back in action and his new record Ride is soon to be released. Since music is my life, I nominated myself to be the gal to review his new work. I decided to listen to it at night because as you know from his angel ditty, his music is mellowy sweet. I should tell you that I am not an avid romantic music fan, although I do enjoy listening to soft songs at times. With that in mind, I listened to Jaime’s C.D. twice that night and I actually liked it. Some songs sound the same and after two turns of the record I did get a little bored of the raspy voice and classic guitar twangs, but I did like it. His music style is a mixture of folk, rock, and a pinch of country and the album features a cover of Matthew Sweet’s “Winona.” All in all, if you liked “How do you talk to an angel?”, or if you just like Jaime Walters, go ahead and buy Ride, or maybe hear it from a friend first and then dish out the dough. Till next time, peace, love and rock on.”

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