Internet Links
It’s your (sex) life
Part of this site offers information on birth control, STDs and tips on how to talk to your partner about sex.
Planned Parenthood’s site has global perspectives on sex and dating, with real questions from teens, info on teen social life and a teen ‘zine.
I Wanna Know
The American Social Health Association answers questions about teen sexual health and STDs.
Sex etc.
Sex Etc. is an online newsletter written by and about teens.
Emergency Contraception
Information, news and a list of clinics that provide emergency contraception available in English or Spanish.
American Medical Association
All kinds of health-related information for teens, including tips on sexual health and saying no to peer pressure.
Teen Advice Online
Submit your comments or questions on any issue and a team of volunteer teens from around the world respond with their thoughts, support and advice.
National Herpes Hotline
(919) 361-8488
Info and counseling for people with herpes.