Restaurant review: Breadbar

Breadbar, located on 3rd Street near La Cienega Boulevard, is a quaint place to eat breakfast or lunch with friends. The restaurant has all different kinds of French breads, ranging from white chocolate loaves to plain croissants to blueberry scones. The loaves, which are a little bigger than a soda can, cost around $4.

The bread is really good and fresh. The first time I went, I got a breadbasket for $5, so I got to try most of the breads. Most of them can be found at a bakery, but I’ve never been somewhere that had white chocolate and dark chocolate breads. They were both moist and delicious. The waitress initially brought the bread whole, but I asked for it to be sliced so I could share.

Breadbar also has things like gorgonzola eggplant omelets with golden west fig bread and tomato mozzarella basil omelets with Tour de France olive bread. I’m not quite sure why that’s its name, but it tasted good nonetheless. And the hot chocolate is amazing. It tastes like a less chocolatey version of the no-longer-available Chantico at Starbucks, which is a good thing. It doesn’t taste weird and watery like most hot chocolates—this is richer.

Not only does the food taste great, the service is also terrific. The chef comes out to greet you and even makes small talk. He teased my friends and me about sneaking out of the house and tried to coax us into buying some bread for our parents to make them forgive us for sneaking out, which we never did, but the conversation was funny, nonetheless.

When you walk in, you see a long counter where you can buy the bread. Most people just order take out, which is a quicker way to have breakfast.  But if you change your mind and decide to sit down, you’ll be able to if there’s no wait.

Inside, there are long, narrow tables. The room can seat around 32 people. Outside seating is at small tables that seat two people comfortably, four uncomfortably. 

Each breakfast item, from French toast to a scone to scrambled eggs, costs around $6 to $10. The lunch menu has sandwiches and salads, which range from $10 to $15. The drinks are a little expensive for my taste. They’re about $4 per drink, which is as much as a loaf, which isn’t worth it.

I must warn you that the menu changes frequently. I went once before and got this breadbasket that I could share with three other people. It came with drinks and it was extremely cheap. When I looked for it on the menu again, it wasn’t there and our server, Dara, told me the menu had changed since then, so beware!

The varying menu will keep me coming back because I’d love to see what new items Breadbar has come up with.

Parking is in the rear, and if 3rd street is out of reach, then there is another Breadbar located at the Century City shopping mall.

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