Reading to Kids Is A Great Way To Serve the Community

“As I was surfing the Internet, kind of bored last summer, I stumbled upon a web site called ReachOut, a site by teens that has all kinds of volunteer opportunities ( It said they needed some teens who are interested in reading to children for the “Tale Bearers” program at the Beverly Hills Library. It sounded cool so I called to sign up.
As I rushed to the library’s multi-purpose room, running a little late, I thought, “Oh no, my first day as a Tale Bearer, and I’m already running late to the first day meeting! Maybe I shouldn’t do this if I live so far away (about 30 minutes away). It’s already 12:10, I was supposed to be there ten minutes ago!” As I quietly slipped into the room, I was relieved to see that no one was going to make a big deal about my late, and that people were coming in even later than I was. I saw Toby, the lady in charge of Tale Bearers, talking about what everyone needed to do.

I signed in and picked out some books to read
I signed in at the log book, found the little bright green badge I had made for myself during the volunteer orientation and clipped it to my pocket. After that, I got out my folder and put some papers in it so I could record what books I read. Next, I picked out some books to read.
When the kids arrived, I ended up with an older girl named Soo-Min. There was this “interview” paper in my folder I was supposed to fill out. I asked her for her name, her favorite color (it was purple), her favorite animal (a dog), how many brothers or sisters she has, and other stuff like that.
After I read a few books to her, she wanted to pick some for herself because most of the books I selected were below her level. I read some of the other books she picked. She was really quiet, but very attentive. Once in a while she would see something she liked and point to it. When there were some parts in one of the books that required counting, she would count the kittens or whatever she would have to count. I could tell she really liked being read to.

I liked making funny voices for the characters
The kids were really cute. Some of them wanted their mommies and were kind of pouty. Some couldn’t wait to get away from their mothers. Most of them liked being read to. I think it makes them feel special that someone cares to read to them. I like to do little voices for the characters, and do sound effects, so whenever I read, they laugh. Recently when I went, I read a book called “Kat Kong,” and whenever the cat meowed, I made a huge growling sound like Mmmmeoooowww! The little girl I was reading to cracked up when I did that. “This book deserves an award,” she told me.
This sounds corny, but being a Tale Bearer gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. And my mom doesn’t complain about driving me, because it gives her time to shop at the nearby Beverly Center. I feel pretty proud of myself for doing something nice for someone, and anticipate the next Sunday when I can do this again.
For information on the Tale Bearers call (310) 288-2211.”

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