1. Does it often take you more than 10 minutes to unearth a particular letter, bill, report or other paper from your files (or piles of paper on your desk)?
2. Are there papers on your desk, other than reference materials, that you haven’t looked through for a week or more?
3. Within the last four months, have you frequently forgotten any scheduled appointments, anniversary or specific date you wanted to acknowledge?
4. Do magazines and newspapers pile up unread?
5. Do you frequently procrastinate so long on a work assignment that it becomes an emergency or panic situation?
6. Has anything ever been misplaced in your home or office for longer than two months?
7. Do you often misplace door keys, glasses, purse, backpack, schoolbooks or other items you need?
8. Is your definition of "organized space" to fit as many objects as you can into a limited area?
9. Do things amass in corners of closets or on the floor because you can’t decide where to put them?
10. Do you feel your storage problems would be solved if you had more space?
11. Do you want to get more organized, but everything is in such a mess that you don’t know where to start?
12. By the end of an average day, have you accomplished the most important tasks you set for yourself?
Scoring: Questions 1-11 one point for each "yes,"
Question 12 one point for "no."
If your score is:
1 to 3—Systems are under control
4 to 7—Disorganization is troublesome
8 to 11—Life must be very difficult
12—Disorganized to the point of chaos
Source: Getting Organized by Stephanie Winston