October 22, 2006
October 2006 Issue

If you had to go without one body part for a day, which one would it be?


Book reviews
Looking for some good reads? Our teen writers recommend checking out out Sloppy Firsts and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Flu fighters
Teen staff writers Alex and Gabe interviewed two nurses, who explained what you need to know about bird flu.
Letters to the editor
These are letters we received regarding stories in the Sept. 2006 issue of L.A. Youth
Helping in New Orleans photo gallery BACK TO ARTICLE

Wrecked houses, homes marked with the spray-painted “X” left by flood rescue workers, and piles of garbage still dominate the landscape in New Orleans, Louisiana, a year after Hurricane Katrina hit.

Photo by Melissa Etehad, 15, Santa Monica HS
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