
Guys aren’t all bad
I hate the article [“Why I am Still A Virgin,” by Genevieve Wong]. “Sometimes I wish I could be crude like guys are” isn’t true. Men don’t sashay into a bar and buy girls off with $5 drinks… I have a lot of friends and none of them act that way. Men don’t want to have sex and then forget about the girl, they are looking for a girlfriend to share good times and bad times, to talk to them and maybe marry them, not use them and move on to the next girl.
Dimitry Slabyak, Taft HS

Sex can be safe
I am writing to say that the article failed to mention anything about people who can handle being sexually active. We can all understand and respect people who have decided to remain virgins until marriage, but if one is responsible enough, then having sex now does not have to mean there will be dire consequences. There are many teenagers out there that practice safe sex and stay in monogamous relationships. We should congratulate and encourage their actions instead of condemning them. Of course, nothing but abstinence is foolproof, but sex can be safe if you take precautions. Life is a game of chance, sex is just one more part of the game.
Lydia Balian, Birmingham HS

You shouldn’t have sex
I think it’s good to be a virgin because [sex] only causes problems. I am a virgin because I want to be and I am not a lesbian, pathetic or weird . . . In high school you go through many boyfriends or girlfriends and sleeping with all of them isn’t cute because you think you’re in love. I think high school is about having fun, not about worrying if you’re pregnant or have some kind of disease.
Latoyia Johnson, Taft HS

Thanks for writing about AIDS
Reading your article “By Educating Other Youth, I Helped Slow the Spread of AIDS” made me realize what society we live in. I really never liked talking about AIDS. Now I realized I should worry about it. But what gets me angry is the people who don’t care, they think it won’t affect them. Heather Farkas really helped me. She’s doing a great job. It takes a lot of courage and effort to go to a teen and talk to them about something like AIDS. The people from the Peer Education Program are motivated to help as many people as possible and we really need to get involved.
Vilma Rosas, Paramount HS

I know four people who have AIDS
I am not happy about the fact that two teenagers are infected every hour but I know it is true. I know four people who have AIDS, two of them are related to me. They are always talking about how they are going to die and about how people avoid them just because they are infected. I am 14 and I think the article is worth reading. What Heather and the volunteers are doing is great. It will help most teenagers stop avoiding the fact that they could get AIDS.
Richard Kramer, Paramount HS

Lamenting a gangster’s death
Your article “A Gangster’s Downfall” touched my heart. I liked how Sam Lopez really showed his feelings about his friend. He did not try to be cool, he just opened up and let his feelings out. I also liked his poem. After reading it I could feel the pain he felt for his lost friend. I think it’s a good example to show how gang life can hurt not just people in gangs but people not in gangs.
Richard Juarez, Taft HS

I know how it feels to live around gangbangers. I had a friend named Omar who died at a very young age because of gang violence. Your article has helped me and I know it has helped others just like me who lost a friend from gang violence. It has helped me to realize that I am not alone in this tragedy and that life is very important.
Jose Peña, Paramount HS

I really don’t care much about gangsters because they cause their own death and [the death of] others. Once one becomes a gangster they are a nothing. I think the drawing of the clown does represent a gangster . . . He’s trying to be someone he’s not. The watch would represent that a gangster has so much time before getting killed, shot or thrown in jail.
Jaime Beltrán, Paramount HS

We Got the Beat
I think you are thinking about the Beat the wrong way. If you compare the playlists, there is not that much difference. The Beat often plays slow jams and Power barely does… Battle of the Beat is way better than Rap Attack [on Power], they play better songs that are World Premieres way before Power… and Power cannot mix either. Although Power is alright the Beat beats them.
Kinn Vuong, Paramount HS

I’ve Got the Power
In my opinion Power 106 is the best Hip Hop and Rap station. One reason is because 92.3 The Beat plays too much commercials and plays nasty songs. Power does play better jams than the Beat and less commercials.
Felipe Nuñez, Taft HS

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