I’m really glad that this L.A. Youth was based mostly on love. Most of us teenagers are very confused about love. Most of us think we are in love while many think that you can’t be in love at an age like this. I read two stories, which were opposites. The first was "I fell for Mr. Wrong" and the second was "I think I love you—now let’s make it work." I really think that most teenagers relate to these articles.
I’m not in a hurry to find "Mr. Right." I believe that he will come along when the time is right. These articles made me see that it is possible to fall in love.
—Anahit Torosian, Hollywood HS
I think it’s really sad that the story "A sea of students" is true. The fact that so much money is spent on Iraq while this is going on is truly depressing. We spent billions on the war and yet we don’t have enough money for schools. It really is sad.
—Anna Osipova, Cleveland HS
As I read the article "Downloading is stealing" I was angered. I feel that your outlook on this and anyone who agrees with you is not open-minded. I think students and even adults should be allowed to download music from the Internet for free. I think this because the artists make enough money as it is. I know you’ll probably say it’s not them who make the money, it’s the people involved with production. But the artists make enough money to support themselves, pay the people involved and still have enough left over for their bling-blings and spinners for their Hummers and Escalades. Artists shouldn’t have to worry about their paychecks. By the time they have spent half of the first one, another check shows up. So really, what’s the harm in one Web site for downloading music?
—Rachael Vreeland, Cleveland HS
Left behind in El Salvador
This was a great article. It showed just how hard it is to grow up with no parents and then have them but they don’t care. My two cousins both went through something like this and I never understood them. I would say to them, "Don’t cry for parents who don’t love you." But after reading this article I understand how they feel. Nothing like this has ever happened to me, but now I know how painful it is to go through this situation. I loved the way the writer really expressed her feelings. She’s really talented. Her article is very touching. When you read this you feel it inside.
—Edna Ambriz, Cleveland HS
This story was very sad although very common. This was a familiar story to me because of my two brothers. My mother came here to the United States for better opportunities and left my brothers. They are both here today and I hear how difficult life was in El Salvador so I can understand the author of this story. It is a nice story at the end because after so many years the girl is happy and has found a way to become a part of her parents’ lives. I think this story turned out pretty good in comparison with others. A lot of worse things could have happened in such a situation so I am happy for the author of this story.
—Doris Rivas, Cleveland HS
I’m not Salvadoran but reading this story made me feel like I was the one who this happened to. It seemed so real to me. If my parents had left me in another country I would be so mad, too. I don’t know if I would ever be able to forgive them. I think that the parents must have had their reasons to leave the child. Maybe we wouldn’t understand, but I would really have to be in the parents’ shoes. The person that went though this must have went through a lot not having her parents around.
—Stephanie Munguia, Cleveland HS
Guys speak out
I didn’t like when you said the guys are lost when it comes to dating, because we’re not always lost. Sometimes we can get confused but we pull through. I also like how you said "love" is overused. Boys and girls go up to each other and say "I love you." They don’t know the real meaning of love.
—Alfred Moosa, Cleveland HS
Now we’re cookin’
I was particularly impressed with this article. This is the first time I’ve seen an article related to food. Actually over Thanksgiving weekend my sister and I cooked the vegetable egg rolls, and let me tell you, my entire family liked them. They were just great. I would like to thank you for that. Please keep up the good work. And include more articles on food.
—Simarjeet Manocha, Cleveland HS
Junk food
I do not believe that by taking away junk food, we’ll solve the obesity problem. Personally, I eat junk food every day at school. Don’t get me wrong, I do eat healthy food but mostly I eat junk food. If schools ban the sale of junk food, students will still be eating junk food anyway. Students will probably buy junk food at a store before they go to school and eat it during nutrition or lunch. The decision is up to the students whether they want to eat junk food. Companies should try to make healthy food that does not have a really bad flavor, and then maybe students would like it.
—Carmen Herrera, Hollywood HS
I think the administrators should let us eat whatever we want and drink what we want. It’s our health, not theirs. Here at my school they sell chips, sodas, candies—what’s the big deal? They also have pizza and cafeteria food. In the vending machines they sell soda and fruit juice for $1. I say they should let us eat what we want. It’s not going to kill us you know. It’s not that bad—one soda a day and a bag of chips.
—Raymundo Chavez, Hollywood HS