Learn to Stay Safe

“If you plan to attend a nightclub, Maribeth Rodden at the Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center offers the following advice on how to stay safe.
1. Go with friends. That way you can look out for each other.
2. Tell someone where you are going and who you are going with. This should be your parents but if you feel you can’t tell them, tell another friend or a trusted adult. If something were to happen they would know where to look.
3. What to wear No matter what you are wearing, no one has the right to touch you if you do not want them to. But remember that men and women interpret non-verbal behavior, including dress, differently. Women say they dress a certain way because it looks good or it’s the way their friends are dressing. They want to attract attention yet stay in control of who they attract. Men, on the other hand, often view provocative dress as a signal for sexual availability, with them or anyone.
4. Stay aware of your surroundings. Stay sober. Don’t mix drugs and alcohol. They impair your judgment.
5. Communicate clearly. If someone puts their hands on you and you don’t like it, be firm. Say, “No, I don’t like this!” and push them away. Don’t give mixed messages. For the guys, don’t accept mixed messages as a “yes.” If a girl is not clearly into it, back off immediately.
6. Speak up. Frequently, out of embarrassment or fear, girls tolerate being touched on the dance floor in ways they don’t want. If you are manhandled, you should confront the person who did it. If you’re not comfortable doing so, leave the floor, and quickly report the problem to the owner or security. That will help the owner know who to look out for in the future. Or shout for help, especially if you’re sandwiched in on the crowded dance floor and can’t get away.”

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