LA Youth Survey: Answer—and Win!!!!

“Dear Reader:
What you say matters (and you can get $100 out of it too). Completely fill out and return the survey below.
If you do, you will be automatically entered in a drawing for the $100 prize. It’s easy money. You have a good chance of winning—but you can’t win if you don’t enter.

How to enter:

1. Answer all the questions in the survey on this page. Circle the number next to your answers.

2. Find an envelope. Clip out this page and fold it so it fits in the envelope.

3. Mail the survey to: Survey, LA YOUTH, 6030 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 201, L.A., CA 90036. Don’t forget. Do it today!

IMPORTANT: You must answer every question in the entire survey and mail it by Feb 20 to be eligible for the $100 prize.

1. How many issues of LA YOUTH have you read?
1. This is the first one I’ve seen
2. Two
3. Three
4. More than three

2. Where did you get this copy of LA YOUTH?
1. In class
2. School library
3. Public library
4. Counselor/Nurse’s office
5. Friend
6. Subscription
7. Teen shelter/ center
8. Other

3. With how many people do you share your copy of LA YOUTH?
0. No one else
1. One other person
2. Two other people
3. Three or more other people

4. Do your parents read LA YOUTH?
1. Yes
2. No

5. After reading LA YOUTH, have you ever done one of the following: (Circle the number of all answers that apply)
1. Sent a letter to the editor
2. Entered an LA YOUTH opinion contest
3. Visited a clinic, counseling center
4. Used an article to write a school paper
5. Talked about an LA YOUTH article in the class
6. Talked to parents about an LA YOUTH article
7. Saved an article to show a friend

6. In the future, which of the following topics would you like to see covered in LA Youth:
(Circle all topics that interest you)
1. Information on going to college
2. How to get a job
3. Information about sex and teen pregnancy
4. News about what’s going on in different L.A. high schools
5. Movie and music reviews
6. Sports articles
7. Reflections on religion
8. Immigration issues
9. Letters to the editor
10. Articles about race and ethnic heritage

My favorite LA Youth article was about (write in)


7. How many times have you done each of the following activities in the past month? (Write 0 if none)
# of times
Seen a movie
in a theater _________

Rented a movie _________
8. Do you have a job?
1. Yes, full-time
2. Yes, part-time
3. No (Skip to Question 10)

9. If yes, how much do you earn each week?
1. Less than $50
2. $50-$100
3. $100-$199
4. More than $200

10. Do you get an allowance?
1. Yes $____________per week
2. No

11. How much spending money do you have left over in a typical week after your normal expenses? (Circle the number of the category that includes your answer)
1. Less than $5
2. $5-$9
3. $10-$19
4. $20-$29
5. $30-$39
6. $50-to $99
7. $100 or more only.

12. What grade were you when you first learned how to use a computer?
1. Before third grade
2. Third-Sixth grade
3. Seventh-Ninth
4. Tenth-Twelfth
5. After Twelfth grade
6. I have never used a computer (skip to Question 17)

13. What have you learned to use a computer for? (Circle all that apply)
1. Write papers, letters (word processing)
2. Accounting program
3. Drills (SAT practice tests, math or vocabulary building programs)
4. Desktop Publishing (making cards, banners, fliers)
5. Games
6. Electronic Services (e-mail and researching or chatting on the World Wide Web)

14. Where did you learn to use a computer? (Circle all that apply)
1. At school
2. At a public library
3. At home
4. At work
5. Other

15. When you need to use a computer when it is not during class time, where do you go?
1. School
2. Public Library
3. Home
4. Friend’s house
4. Other ___________

16. How do you access the Internet?
1. On-line service provider (America On-Line, Earthlink, Pacific Bell, AT&T, etc.)
2. Go to the public library
3. High school computer lab
3. Other institution (college, government institution, work place)
4. I don’t have access at all

17. Which category best describes your ethnic heritage?
1. White
2. Latino
3. Black
4. Asian
5.Other (write-in)

These remaining questions are for classification purposes only. Your answers will be held strictly confidential and will be combined with those of other respondents. You must answer every question to be eligible for the $100 prize.


Sex: Female Male



Grade (please circle): 7 8 9 10 11 12 college not in school

Street Address:____________________


Zip Code:_________________

Phone ( )______________

You’re done! Thanks for your help!

Don’t forget to mail this survey to: LA YOUTH at 6030 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 201 Los Angeles, CA 90036.”

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