“Heavy raindrops fell from a dark, stormy sky and splattered across my windshield as Bobbie and I drove towards the Sunset Gower Studios in silence. LL Cool J was at the studio rehearsing for the next day’s taping of “In the House” so we agreed to meet him there for the interview. As I sat trying to conjure up a few last questions to ask the Grammy-winning rap artist, his current release, “Ain’t Nobody” came on the radio. LL’s lyrics reflect what he’s always been about: women, romance, and love. It is his ladies man style that has put him in a rap category all his own.
The rain pummeled the top of my head as Bobbie and I raced towards the side entrance of the studio where we quietly slid in. Once inside we stood aside and watched the cast members rehearse their lines while the set crew blocked scenes. Within a few minutes we were spotted by Black, one of LL’s peeps, who led us out of the studio and upstairs to LL’s dressing room. LL Cool J didn’t show up right away so Bobbie and I killed time by sampling his CD collection and trying to lift the lightweight barbells that cluttered the floor.
After around 20 minutes the much anticipated James Todd Smith greeted us with warm smiles. He took off his red Tommy Hilfiger puffy jacket and sat on the couch. Bobbie and I quickly put down the one barbell we had managed to pick up together and introduced ourselves. His laid-back demeanor and dimpled grin immediately made us feel at ease.
LL Cool J: I don’t mind if you two continue to lift weights. I want you guys to feel comfortable. I was told by Round [manager Roundtree] that this interview was for a teen newspaper. I think it’s good that you two are getting an early start on your careers.
Me: Thank you. How old were you when you first began your career?
LL Cool J: I was 16 when I made my first song. At age 14 I decided that I wanted to make a record and at age 16 I finally got a break from a guy named Rick Rubin and kept working from there. So for the majority of my teenage years I was making music.
Me: How did you get hooked up with Rick Rubin?
LL Cool J: I had the address to his production company which was called Def Jam Productions. It was in a dormitory room at NYU. Anyways, I saw the address on a record so I wrote to him, sent him a tape, called him every single day and finally he listened to my tape. He liked it so he called me back and from there we made “I Catch This Break.” We took it to Russell Simmons who thought it sounded like the same old thing so we went back into the studio and made the record “I Need A Beat.” When I made that record they decided to form a record company called Def Jam and they put out my first record in 1983-84.
Me: Did the record blow up on the charts?
LL Cool J: It did really well regionally. It was enough to come out with another single called “Dangerous” and “I Want You” (A and B side). After that we got a deal with CBS and I came out with my first album “Radio.”
Me: You were pursuing music at a very young age. Did you have time to go to a regular high school or did you go to one which catered to the performing arts?
LL Cool J: No. I went to a regular school. I attended Jackson High School in Queens as a matter of fact. I was there for a short time then around the ninth grade I ended up leaving to pursue music. I had a tutor on the road and I got my GED many years later.
Me: Were both of your parents around when you were growing up?
LL Cool J: I grew up with my grandmother, grandfather, and mother. My dad wasn’t there. He was in California somewhere.
Me: How did you come up with the name Ladies Love Cool James? Did you get jocked so much that it just came naturally or did a female give it to you?
LL Cool J: (Laughing) No. Actually I made it up as a fantasy, you know what I’m saying. I wasn’t sure if they loved me or not. (He licks his lips)
Me: When did you realize you were a legend?
LL Cool J: A legend? I still don’t feel that. I’ve never realized that. (Verse: I’m a legend, on top of that I’m living. Song: Jingling Baby. Album: Mama Said Know You Out. Maybe he just forgot).
Me: Do you see yourself as a sex symbol?
LL Cool J: (Licks his lips) No. Not personally, no. I mean, I do what I do, you know what I’m saying. I could find someone attractive, they may find me attractive or be into my music or what have you but I don’t walk around feeling sexy.
Me: What’s up with this thing you have about licking your lips all of the time?
LL Cool J: That’s just a habit.
Me: Do your lips dry out faster because you lick them so much?
LL Cool J: No. Not at all. As a matter of fact… not at all. (Chuckles) That’s hilarious.
Me: Do you see yourself starting your own record label in the future?
LL Cool J: Yeah, I have my own record label right now that we’ve just got called Ilion Recordings. I’m in the process now of signing a lot of new talent and getting this company going.
Me: Besides rapping you’re also the star of the hit sitcom “In the House” and you’ve played in several movies. Was acting something that you always wanted to do?
LL Cool J: Well, I’ve always enjoyed acting, you know. I enjoy getting in front of the camera and living a scene out. It gives me the opportunity to look at the world through someone else’s eyes and that’s always fun.
Me: How did you hook up with Debbie Allen and Quincy Jones for “In the House?”
LL Cool J: Well, when Debbie Allen and I were working together on the film “Out of Sync” which she directed, Quincy Jones had seen us together and got the idea for us to do a television show together. We both worked well together so we decided to do it.
Me: Would you ever choose acting over rapping?
LL Cool J: I wouldn’t choose it over rapping but I want to pursue it 100 percent.
Me: What are some upcoming projects that you are looking into for the future?
LL Cool J: Right now I’m reading a lot of scripts for different films and my greatest hits album is out which I have nothing to do with but it is a current project. I’m also getting ready for Camp Cool J next year which is a camp where we send 200 to 300 kids to camp each year for free. I pay for them to go and it’s just an opportunity for them to experience a country environment and atmosphere.
Me: Do you do a lot of volunteer work for the kids?
LL Cool J: Well, it’s beyond volunteer work. It’s actually just spending a portion of what I get to help the kids. It’s like tithing in a way.
Me: Do you see retirement anytime soon?
LL Cool J: Oh, no. Not even close. No, no, not even. I want to do the show for as many years as we can stay on the air. I would like to do some more music as well, but I’m enjoying this acting thing a lot.
Me: Do you enjoy working with the other cast members?
LL Cool J: Yeah, I enjoy working with them a lot. Kim is real fun. Maia is cool and Alonzo’s a trip.
Me: I have one last question for you LL and then we’re finished. Why do you always wear a hat?
LL Cool J: (Smiles and licks his lips) Why not baby?”