Know your rights in the workplace

Is it OK to do any kind of work?
No. There are laws to protect teens from doing dangerous work. In California, no worker under 18 may:
Drive a motor vehicle on public streets as part of the job
Drive a forklift
Use powered equipment, such as a circular saw, box crusher, meat slicer or bakery machine
Handle, serve or sell alcoholic beverages
Work where there is exposure to radiation

Also, no one 14 or 15 years old may:
Do any baking or cooking on the job
(except cooking at a serving counter)
Work in dry cleaning or a commercial laundry
Do building, construction or manufacturing work
Load or unload a truck, railroad car or conveyor
Work on a ladder or scaffold

Do I need a work permit?
Yes. If you are under 18 and plan to work, you must get a work permit from your school or school district office (unless you have graduated).

What is the minimum wage?
$6.75 per hour

Who do I call if I have problems on the job?

For questions about health or safety regulations or complaints about an employer, contact Cal/OSHA at (800) 963-9424 or

To make a complaint about wages or work hours, contact Labor Standards Enforcement at (213) 620-6330 or

To make a complaint about sexual harassment or discrimination, contact Fair Employment and Housing at (800) 884-1684 or

Source: UCLA’s Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program. For additional health and safety information and advice, contact LOSH at (310) 794-5964 or, or go to

Work Hours for Teens

Work hours ages 14-15

• 7 a.m.—7 p.m., from Labor Day to June 1

• Not during school hours

• 7 a.m.—9 p.m. from June 1 to Labor Day

Max. hours when school is in session
18 hours a week, but not more than:

• 3 hours a day on school days

• 8 hours a day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays

Max. hours when school is not in session
• 40 hours a week

• 8 hours a day

Work hours ages 16-17

• 5 a.m.—10 p.m. when there is school the next day

• 5 a.m.—12:30 a.m. when there is no school the next day

Max. hours when school is in session
48 hours a week,
but not more than:

• 4 hours a day Monday-Thursday

• 8 hours a day Friday to
Sunday and holidays

Max. hours when school is not in session
• 48 hours a week

• 8 hours a day

Source: UCLA’s Labor Occuptational Safety and Health Program, LOSH

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