Job-seeking strategies. Learning from other youth who have gotten jobs

A lesson plan based on the job-seeking strategies in the JOBS–Fall 2003 issue of L.A. Youth.

By Libby Hartigan, Managing Editor

Grades: 6-12
Subjects: Language arts, social studies, life skills

Overview of lesson plan: In this lesson, students analyze how successful job seekers got their jobs and consider which strategies they might use.
Suggested time allowance: 45 min.-1 hr.

Students will:
1. Read articles about teens with jobs.
2. Analyze how they got their jobs.
3. Develop a list of job-seeking strategies.

Resources and material:
— pens, paper
— copies of L.A. Youth Jobs Fall 2003 issue (one per student)
— blackboard

1. WARM-UP: Ask students to think of reasons why teens want jobs. Write the students’ ideas on the board.

2. Reading:
Ask students to select an article from the L.A. Youth Jobs Fall 2003 issue and read about how a young person got a job. They may choose from among the following:

Page 4–Humble in Hollywood. A reported article describes how two young people became production assistants in TV and film.

Page 6–Telemarketer. Nicole recounts her struggles trying to persuade people to buy timeshares.

Page 10–Babysitter. Ashley has been baby-sitting for several years.

Page 13–Odd jobs. Jennifer found out about focus groups and other short-term jobs through a Web site called

Page 16–Sales associate. Jessica has truly enjoyed selling products for Pottery Barn.

Page 19–Clown. Deano the clown describes the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus as the “Rolls Royce” of clowning.

Page 21–Banker. Bernard Zaia said his job as an investment banker is demanding but rewarding.

Page 24–Intern. DeAna said that working as a summer intern in a law firm was the best job experience she ever had.

After they select one of these articles and read it, each student must write down how that person got the job. Possible answers:

Page 4–Humble in Hollywood. They had to submit a letter with two recommendations and be interviewed. They attended a six-week training workshop to become production assistants in TV and film.

Page 6–Telemarketer. At first Nicole drove around and filled out job applications, then looked at ads in the newspaper. She called, faxed her resume, and went for an interview.

Page 10–Babysitter. Ashley babysat for her sisters, so she didn’t really have to look for the job.

Page 13–Odd jobs. Jennifer kept checking a Web site called until she saw a job she wanted. Then she sent an e-mail, received a call-back to answer a few questions, and showed up at a certain time and place.

Page 16–Sales associate. Jessica filled out an application, dropped it off during an open house, was interviewed and was hired on the spot.

Page 19–Clown. Deano the clown researched clowning in books and videos, then flew to Anaheim from Kansas City, Kansas, for the first open call that the circus had held in 30 years.

Page 21–Banker. Bernard Zaia studied finance and accounting in college.

Page 24–Intern. DeAna applied for the program. Before she was interviewed by the attorneys, she researched the firm at the library.

Going around the room, ask each student to describe the job-seeking strategies that they found in the articles they read. Write the ideas on the board next to the list of the reasons why teens want jobs. What do students think of these strategies? Which ones would they be inclined to use?

Evaluation and assessment:
Students will be evaluated based upon their class participation and written assignments.

Extension activities:
Using the suggestions and questions on pages 8-9, have students conduct mock interviews.
Have students try applying for a job, then return to the class and report on what happened. If the student did not get the job, what suggestions do classmates have that might help the student?