It’s a HEAT WAVE!!!
SURVEY: L.A. Youth staff writers give their ideas on how they stay frosty when it’s anything but outside.
“Either I go to the front porch or the back porch which has a big avocado tree as shade.”
—Victor Martinez, 17, Daniel Murphy Catholic HS
“My house has air conditioning and in my car there’s air conditioning.”
—Estee Schwartz, 16, Concord HS
“I don’t.”
—Melissa Etehad, Santa Monica HS
“I usually pass out or hang out on the roof.”
—Danielle Johnson, Franklin HS
“I have a/c and I’m naturally cold.”
—Alexandra Key, 14, Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies
“I take a cold shower and go to sleep.”
—Brett Hicks, 14, Loyola HS
“I try to avoid my house and go to my friend’s house. Last year I got a job at an ice cream parlor. Now I just look for air conditioning where I can.”
—Michelle Matt, Marhsall HS
“When I go home I go to sleep and wake up at 12 and do my homework.”
—Juan Cisneros, Marshall HS
—Susan Cho, 16, Cleveland HS
“I don’t have an air conditioner, but I have a cooler—it pumps cool water—it’s supposed to be good for your skin. I just sit in front of it. My workplace … I bake pizza and it’s hot. When there are no customers I go in the freezer.”
—Esther Oh, Cleveland HS
“I sit on my front porch and I drink a lot of ice water.”
Ana Tenorio, 15, Orthopedic Hospital Medical Magnet HS
“I take cold showers. Once it was so hot that after taking the shower my nose started to bleed.”
—Jowee Lirio, Daniel Murphy Catholic HS
“I wear cotton.”
—Managing Editor Libby Hartigan
“I beat the heat by coming to work [where there’s air conditioning]. I bought a kiddie pool.”
—Editor Amanda Riddle
“I stay late at work [because of air conditioning]. I also take a cold shower before I go to bed and use a fan.”
—Editor Mike Fricano