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Interviews: I want to be …

“A rap singer, because I think that I’m good at it and I love singing.”
—Nicole Gomez, 13, Montebello HS

“To be Big Boy in the morning’s sidekick.”
—Nancy Gallo, 18, Morningside HS

“A journalist. I want to discover new things around the world.”
—Ana Bucio, 13, Montebello HS

“President because some presidents aren’t that loyal. When they say ‘I’m going to do this for the country’ they are lying. Whatever I say, I’ll do it and it’ll be for the good of the people.”
—Jessica Tereth, 14, Montebello HS

“My dream job is to be a either a photographer or a director because I’m always fascinated with the fact that you can capture time in a photo.”
—Marcus Harrison, 18, Morningside HS

“I want to be an interior designer and architect because I like designing homes and
decorating them.”
—Angelica Alvarez, 17, Morningside HS

“Architect, soI could design skate parks. I love skateboarding.”
—Luis Romo, 14, Montebello HS

“I’d be a taste-tester. I like food, as long as it’s not produce.”
—Gary Gray, 16, Brooks Institute

“My dream job is to get paid to do nothing.”
—Brandan McCullen, 17, Morningside HS

“Lawyer, that’s what I think I’d like to do. I love to argue and my friends say that I always win.”
—Nicole Bryant, 13, Montebello HS

“A superhero. A sexy Wonder Woman who looks great. That way I can kick butt for a living.”
—Monica Maeng, 16, Van Nuys HS

“I’d be in a rock band. Like if the band that I’m in right now did really well, that would be the best thing in the world.”
—Andrea Domanick, 15, Harvard-Westlake School