So what do you do for fun? Teens from Schurr and Duarte High Schools answered that question about life in the other valley—the San Gabriel Valley.
Schurr High School:
"I have so much homework that I really don’t go out a lot. But I like going to the malls."
—Jennifer Tat, 14
"I like to clean my room. It gets so much stress out!"
—Ashley Aceves, 16
"Define fun!"
—Lisa Yasuda, 14
"I like to go to the movies with my friends."
—Suzette Puente, 14
"We hang out at places that serve boba. It tastes like tapioca. People go after school. It’s a hang out place. It’s like going for coffee, but not."
—Tian Lee, 17
Duarte High School:
"I go to parties in Reno Valley, Pasadena, Pomona, Rialto and San Bernardino. I go with my friends."
—Sarah Weathersby, 17
"Shopping and raving. We used to go to the bowling alley when it was here, but they ripped it down. So now we go to the one in Pasadena."
—Lindsey Lachner, 17
"I skateboard a lot at skate parks and at Duarte High School, because it’s fun. It also relieves stress."
—Pablo Munoz, 17
"On weekends, I like to drive around and discover new neighborhoods with my close friends. We go around Pasadena and find shops along the way."
—Cristina Arevalo, 17
"I play baseball for varsity. I also work with kids as a tutor. I like to hang out and party with my friends."
—Erik Venegas, 17
"I play football for Duarte. On weekends, I hang with my friends and work on my car. I also race my car."
—Matt Stucky, 17
"I play basketball for Duarte and hang out with my friends. Sometimes we go to parties."
—Randall Greene, 17
"I skate and hang around with friends. We go to parties, skate and stuff."
—Matt Mullen, 17
"I have to work and help my parents at their job. They work at a swap meet on weekends. When I can, I go to parties."
—Beatrize Oliver, 17