How do you feel about how immigrants are treated in the United States?
“I feel that Latinos or immigrants are treated as second-class. I feel that there is a type of stereotype against Mexicans because all those who were involved were classified as Mexican. I do agree that the majority were Latinos, but they were not all Mexican. I don’t understand how our government can take immigrants’ tax money, but yet want to throw them out of our country. In that case, the government should be given a felony for stealing.”
—Erika Barcena
“I think that they mistreat them. They take advantage of us. Just because some of us Latinos don’t speak English does not mean they have the rights to tell us what to do. We might be dumb but we know what we’re doing.”
—Sarahi Pantoja, 14
“Well, some of use just get looked at they already think we are bad and that we never have good things. They always think that Mexicans are bad and it’s always Mexicans that have the most jobs that no one else would even dare to do.”
—Sahara Chavez, 14
“I feel like we are the community and we do the right to stand up and speak up for them. Sometimes I feel like Americans look at us like freeloaders when we really do come to work and support our families. We came here to have a better life. I also feel like Americans should thank us because we are the ones working in the fields, not them. Also, we take advantage of opportunities, something that Americans don’t do most of the time.”
—Deborah Vega, 17
“It’s good and bad because the U.S. gives us work but we are treated pretty much as slaves, because I know people who look for work outside of Home Depot and they get picked up by “Gringos” and they work for them for like five days and just because they’re illegal, they didn’t pay them. I think that that is an injustice and that it should be easiser to get a green card.”
—Diego Amaya, 14
“I think that we are not all treated the same because when they say immigrants they straight out say Mexicans or Latinos. There are also Chinese and Armenians. Well, also in a way we do get help by food stamps and welfare and WIC. White people get WIC so it’s not only Mexicans so in a way both are treated the same.”
—Jessica Meja, 14
“I think that immigrants are treated as lower class in America and I think it should stop because my family or some of my family are immigrants!”
—Joseph Gonzales, 14
“I feel like the U.S. gives Latino immigrants good job opportunities, food stamps and so much more, but I also feel like the U.S. is a bit racist because of the way they may treat Latinos. It is also unfair because of the new law they are trying to pass. It’s like we find things for Latinos to do for us, but as soon as we don’t need them anymore, we decide to kick them out.”
—Adriana Vazquez, 15
“I feel that Latino immigrants are treated unfairly but on the other hand they help us. For example, when people see a Latino they always think ‘Mexican.’ Why Mexican? You could be Guatemalan, Salvadorean or Cuban? People stereotype about how Latinos are all wetbacks. They’re not. Some are legal, but just the fact that you’re Latino people think you’re an immigrant. Then again, this country does give food stamps, welfare and health care to Latinos. Even though they provide these services people look down on us as being worthless. But then again, who picks crops? American’s don’t pick grapes, strawberries and cabbage. They just sell it and eat it. No labor.”
—Mayra Jimenez, 15
“I think that we’re treated like second-class. They make us seem like we’re not working, like we don’t put no work into this country. They act like we don’t pay taxes if we’re immigrants of Hispanics.”
—Leobardo Moreno, 14
“I feel that the U.S. treats Latinos or immigrants like some kind of different type of human or people. I think that immigrants are treated horribly. I feel really down and angry about the fact that Latinos or immigrants risk their lives trying to cross the border searching for a better life. It’s just horrible knowing that these people (Latinos) try so hard just to make it to the U.S. to have a better future and to experience that wonderful feeling of living in a country with so many economic opportunities and future. I feel that immigrants and Latinos are beautiful and unique people just like everybody else. I feel that we should do something about this problem. We should fight for these people’s rights. These people deserve as many rights as everyone else.”
—Joyce Santos, 14