Four street poets speak out on the juvenile justice system

"Losing your freedom, it’s like death in a way. They take away everything from you that has to do with the outside."
Johnny Tremain, 20

"If you put a teenager in an adult system, how are you going to mold him? You can’t. All he knows is how to live in an adult prison."
Daniel Cacho, 19

"My uncles were gang members, my dad, my mom and my cousins were gang members, and I was taught that everything is about revenge. All the hate I felt years ago, it’s gone now."
Jorge Nuñez, 19

"The strongest thing I have to hold onto is remembering where I started from, ’cause I started from nowhere. Five years ago, I sat in the classroom as a student. Now, I sit in the classroom as the teacher."
Robert Lizana, 22

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