Essay contest winners: I do not believe in God

“First Place, $50
Ami Kimoto, 15,
Westchester High

I do not believe in God.
From this point on, shall I receive utter close-mindedness from you? Are my views immoral and blasphemous? Will you listen to my beliefs, my ideas, me as a person?
I cannot believe in something that does exist to me. I can not believe in God just because everybody does.
I was not raised in an “abnormal” household. I even went to Bible studies and prayed to God when I was young. I know many of the stories and I have read the Bible. As I grew older, my faith faded as my many questions about God and religion grew. Now, I believe not in God, but the morals He represents—the Ten Com-mandments: You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, Honor your father and your mother, You shall not bear false witness, and so on…. I must believe in these morals for they are the basis of our society. To cast down these morals is to cast down our way of governing and therefore, our nation.
Believing in the morals of God isn’t the same as believing in God. I do not pray to God, I do not worship God, I will not go to church to beg him to forgive my sins. The Constitution represents our rights, our beliefs, what is right, and what is wrong. I do not worship Thomas Jefferson and beg him to forgive me. I do not pray to Benjamin Franklin. I admire what they wrote, for they are certainly brilliant, but I in no way idolize them.
Religion may bring sanctuary and guidance to some people, but I object to some of the ideas preached by many religions, like the concept that one religion is right and the rest are wrong. This closed-mindedness has led to many wars and disputes. I think it is absurd that all of the religions are not united, since they are derived from the same or similar basic concepts. Even though it is human nature to believe that one religion is better than another, if all religions were united, they could serve a common cause—the betterment of humankind.
Another instance of closed-mindedness is the intolerance of homosexuals. Daily I hear and see degradation of homosexuality by many close-minded individuals. I do not think their parents lead them to these actions but it is rather a result of religious-based intolerance. Many religions teach that this lifestyle is morally wrong and that it goes against normal society.
This same closed-mindedness leads society to label me as a pagan or an atheist, as society needs to put a tag on everyone. I do not call myself anti-religious but I am a realist. “How do you prove that God doesn’t exist?” you ask. “How do you prove that Santa Claus does not exist,” I counter. I will believe realistically and when the existence of God is proven, I will gladly convert.

There are so many reasons to believe
Second place, $30
Yen Ho Nguyen, 16
North HS

We have to thank God for allowing us to share his kindness and his beautiful universe. The sight of a sunrise over a snowy winter field; the freedom and power felt when my body responds to the demands of work; the heart-filling sound of my names on the lips of people who love me—these and a million other things make me to believe in God.
There are many events in my life that have shaped my beliefs. One of them was my journey to America. When I was seven years old, my family escaped from Vietnam. We had to leave secretly because the government would put us in jail, punish us or take away our house if they knew we were trying to leave Vietnam. Holding my four-month-old-brother, my mother led my two sisters and me toward the bushes to hide so they couldn’t see us. We heard a gun shot. And another one. Since I was the oldest, it was my job to take care of my two younger sisters, but I lost track of them in the confusion. I yelled for help, but it was too late. The boat was coming and the captain forced my mother and I to get in.
With 165 persons in a small boat, our journey wasn’t easy. We ran out of food and water after the first day. On the sixth day, some people caught the rats. They were delicious: I know because I too was starving and ate what was offered me. Others caught and ate insects. Everyone seemed thirsty, so the other kids and I prayed to God for rain. Some adults asked us to give them our urine. It wasn’t comfortable, at first, placing the cup underneath and giving those adults our wasted liquid.
A sudden storm whipped across the ocean. Without warning, a huge bolt of lightning struck and tore the boat in half. My baby brother was knocked into the ocean. With the storm swirling about him, he was sinking fast! A man jumped into the water and using all his strength, managed to drag my brother onto a piece of wood.
Everybody knew that my baby brother was dead. Unable to handle the situation, my mother fainted. She saw my naked brother come to her in her dream and said, “Mommy, I am happy to be with God and his angels. They treated me very nice. Others must satisfy many conditions before they are able to see God. But since I only lived on Earth for four months, I could see God immediately. God asked me to tell you and others to believe in God’s spirit of love and confidence, and faith in his real presence in the Blessed Sacrament, where we cannot see him. That faith must be proved by your fervent devotion at mass, Holy Communion, and by your frequent visits to the Tabernacle. However, God wants me to go back to Earth! See you in a few minutes, Mom!”
My brother’s disappearance woke my mother up. Suddenly, the storm calmed down and rain began. I was shocked when I saw my brother’s toes were moving. I thought it just came from my imagination but it wasn’t. There! My brother started to cry, letting us know he wanted to eat!
Jesus rose from the dead, giving us the strongest proof of his divinity. The whole truth and meaning of our faith rests upon this greatest of all miracles. My brother was risen from the dead to tell us that Jesus’s teaching must be true, and his church which Jesus founded is the Church of the Living God. Its sacraments give us the means of salvation by imparting divine grace.
My brother is eight years old right now. He wants to become a priest to tell people to stay faithful to God and his promises because God is not from our imagination—he’s real.
I always believe and give thanks to God for saving my family’s lives in the journey to America and many other times. Just a few months ago, I was reunited with the sisters I had lost. Do you have any problem guessing what I have to be thankful for and why I believe in God?

You’re dreaming
Third place $20
Richard Khoury
Grade 12
Chatsworth HS

People always say that when I die I am going to heaven, or hell. How in the world do you know that? When people have experiences of dying in the hospital room, then coming back to life, they say that they saw a bright light. They say that they were walking towards the light. That’s B.S.! That bright light was the light in the emergency room directly towards their face. When they say that they were approaching it, that was really just a dream! So you’re going to tell me that for example if I were sleeping and I saw a bright light and I approached it, that means I saw heaven? I don’t think so.
Many people say that the world is going to end in the year 2000. Many Bibles say that too. I disagree. That must be the most ridiculous thing that I ever heard of. The world ends when you die. Think about it, if the world one day just ended, how would you know? If you think that there is a heaven, and for example everyone dies at the same time, we would still be together, right?
Nobody has answers to all of these questions, so that’s why everyone has their own opinion. I personally believe in evolution and evolution is not an opinion. Evolution is a fact. Why do schools provide us knowledge about evolution and not religion? For one main reason, religion is strictly beliefs.

Catholicism is true because God founded it
Honorable mention
Luigi Rao,17,
Bishop Amat HS

If you could choose an eternity of love or pain, what would you choose? Not many people our age realize that we have been given this decision. Even if they do, a great deal are choosing pain instead of love.
As a senior at Bishop Amat HS, I am currently in my 12th year of Catholic education. I’ve had the fortune of being baptized and receiving the other sacraments, even though my parents are not Christian.
As a sophomore, I began a Bible study on campus with a fellow classmate we’ll call “Ed”. Ed was a member of Calvary Chapel and hoped to become an Evangelical minister. Ed and our club moderator, who was Catholic, would always argue during our meetings. As a nominal Catholic, I just stayed in the back with the other members and wondered why they were so intense. The year went by with such battles. The next year, Ed and our moderator both moved.
Before the moderator left, she gave me a few books and tapes which didn’t really excite me. After all, I thought, all religions are the same. You will go to heaven if you’re good and believe in God. Right? I listened to some tapes by a guy named Scott Hahn, who changed my mind about that. He showed that if God started a Church that would be the only one that He wants teaching His Truth, then others have no right to teach that Truth. If you listen to these people and they are wrong, your soul is in danger of being lost for all of eternity (forever…and ever… and ever)! He realized this and left his position as a Presbyterian minister to become one of America’s best Catholic apologists and theologians. By the way, Ed has returned to the Catholic Church.
What is a Catholic apologist? As I continued to want to grow in knowing my faith, I kept reading and hearing the same thing: the reason why Catholicism is true is because God founded it. Through use of reason, history and the Bible, the apologists explains and clarifies the reasons for being Catholic.
The best thing about apologetics is that it is for everyone. You don’t need to be a priest or have a Ph.D. in order to save souls for Christ. Case in point: Me. I started an apologetics club at school this year.

I took Christ to heart
Honorable mention
Erica Khamvongsa, 17
Dorothy Kirby Center

My faith has to do with Jesus Christ. I wasn’t always saved, it took a lot of pain to have got me there. My Lord blessed me over and over again, regardless of my sins or feelings.
Before I was locked up, I never read the Bible or went to church except for one time, and that was to hook up with some vatos. I’ve been through placements, Juvenile Hall, and mental hospitals.
Now I’m locked up at the Dorothy Kirby Center, a locked placement. It’s a nine-month program. Before I came to Christ, I was in the halls for six months and finally got saved. It took me being faced with 10 years, and possible having AIDS.
I was in the Box again but this time for planning a murder. I realize that week in the Box I had to change. I had to accept God into my life, to be His servant. Surely enough, God knew what was in my heart and again blessed me. On the same day I had got taken from the Box, I had gotten my AIDS test result and it was negative. There were no new cases put against me. God just smiled upon me.
About two months later, I finally got saved. I was ready to turn my life to God, to love him completely. Me, the girl who every week was fighting . Every word out of my mouth was dirty. I had no concept of God or faith. I didn’t care for anything.
When I look in the mirror I’m shocked at what God did, how he picked me up and changed me. My Father in heaven loves me so. This I know. He died for my sins and yours. So always remember, if it’s the last, that God loves you.

Mom and Dad, thanks for raising me to be Muslim
Honorable mention
Fatimah Obaid of Compton

Dear Mom and Dad,
You don’t know how hard it is being me. What I mean is that I am so different from most people that they usually shy away from me. You probably can see that it’s hard for me in this day and age because I am an African American female and I am also a Muslim. People already feel that African-Americans are inferior and some feel that way about females. But to be a Muslim is the most difficult part.
Growing up I was lucky to attend a Muslim school, but now that I am in the 10th grade I have to socialize with people out of my religion. I feel that I am a happy and fun person to be around, but sometimes people don’t really talk to me because I wear a scarf on my head.
If people don’t want to talk to me I feel that’s their business. But if they ask me questions about why I cover my hair and why I dress a certain way, I will be glad to answer their questions.
I try my hardest to keep up with my religion. I know why I believe in my God and His prophets. I know the stories and struggles of my people. I am happy and proud to be a Muslim.
Dear parents, at one time in my life I was ignorant to our Islamic practices and the reasons why we pray, but now I have you to thank for my newfound knowledge and strength. Thank you both for bringing me into this religion. Now I know why I wear my scarf on my head. It is to conceal my hair, like a king might hide his gold. I know most people think Muslims are bad. But if you really think about it, in every religion you will find some bad people. All I can say is most Muslims I know in this diverse religion are good and honest peo ple. I always take the time out to share my knowledge of my religion with anyone who is interested.
I have you to thank for raising me with this beautiful religion and I am most grateful.

No creo en Dios
Primer lugar, $50
Ami Kimoto, 15 años de edad
Westchester High School

Yo no creo en dios.
Desde este punto en adelante, ¿recibiré intolerancia de tu parte?
¿Acaso lo que digo es inmoral o blasfemo?
¿Escucharás mis creencias, mis ideas, a mí como persona?
No puedo creer en algo que no existe para mí. No puedo creer en dios solamente porque todos los demás sí.
No crecí en un hogar abnormal. Hasta tuve estudios religiosos y le rezaba a dios cuando era menor. Conozco muchas de las cuentos y he leído la biblia. Al crecer, mi creencia se desaparecío mientras crecían mis preguntas acerca de dios y de religión. Ahora, creo no en dios sino en la moralidad que representa—los mandamientos: no matarás, no robarás, honrarás a tu padre y tu madre, no darás falsos testimonios, etc… Tengo que creer en esta moralidad porque es la base de nuestra sociedad. Rechazar esta moralidad es rechazar nuestra forma de gobierno, y a consecuencia, nuestra nación.
Creer en la moralidad de dios no es lo mismo que creer en dios. Yo no le rezo a dios. Yo no adoro a dios. No iré a misa a rogarle que me perdone por mis pecados. La Constitución representa nuestros derechos, nuestras creencias, lo que está bien, y lo que está mal. No le rezo a Thomas Jefferson ni le ruego que me perdone. No le rezo a Benjamin Franklin. Admiro lo que escribieron porque fueron brillantes, pero de ninguna manera los adoro.
Religión puede convertirse en santuarío o en guía para algunas gentes. Pero me opongo a algunas de las doctrinas de muchas religiones, como la creencia que una religión es correcta y todas las demás no. Esta intolerancía ha conducido a muchas guerras y disputas. Es absurdo que todas las religiones no se han unido ya que provienen de los mismos o similares conceptos básicos. Aunque es la naturaleza del ser humano de creer que una religión es mejor que las demás, si todas la religiones se unieran, podrían servir una causa común—el mejorar la humanidad.
Otro ejemplo es la intolerancia hacia los homosexuales. Diariamente escucho y veo la degradación de la homosexualidad por individuos que tienen la mente cerrada. Yo no creo que sus padres los llevaron a estas acciones sino que es el resultado de la intolerancía basada en la religión. Muchas religiones enseñan que este tipo de vida es inmoral y que va en contra de una sociedad normal.
Esto también conduce a la sociedad a clasificarme como ateo o infiel, ya que la sociedad se ve obligada a clasificar a todos. Yo no estoy en contra de la religión pero soy realista. “¿Como compruebas que dios no existe?” me preguntas. “Como compruebas que santo clos no existe” yo te respondo. Yo creo en la realidad y cuando se compruebe la existencia de dios, gustosamente me convertiré.

Hay tantas razones para creer
Segundo lugar, $30
Yen Ho Nguyen, 16 años de edad
North High School

Tenemos que darle gracias a dios por permitirnos de compartir su bondad y su bello universo. Ver el amanecer sobre un campo cubierto de hielo; la libertad y el poder que siento cuando mi cuerpo responde al trabajo; el escuchar mi nombre en los labios de gente que me ama—éstas y un millon de cosas más me obligan a creer en dios.
Hay muchos eventos en mi vida que han moldeado mis creencias. Uno de esos fue mi viaje a los Estados Unidos. Cuando tenía siete años, mi familia se escapó de Vietnam. Tuvimos que huir secretamente porque el gobierno nos hubiera metido en la cárcel, nos castigaría o nos hubiera quitado nuestra casa por tratar de huir de Vietnam. Sujetando a mi hermano de cuatro meses, mi madre llevó a mis dos hermanas y a mí hacia unas matas a escondernos. Escuchamos un disparo. Y otro. Como era la mayor, era mi trabajo cuidar a mis dos hermanas menores, pero las perdí entre la confusión. Grité por ayuda, pero era demasiado tarde. El barco se acercaba y el capitán nos obligó a mi madre y a mí a subirnos.
Con 165 personas en un pequeño barco, nuestro viaje no fue fácil. Se nos acabó la comida y el agua el primer día. En el sexto día, algunas gentes agarraron las ratas. Estaban deliciosas. Sé porque yo también tenía hambre y comí lo que se me ofreció. Otros agarraron y comieron insectos. Todos parecían tener sed, entonces los otros niños y yo le rezamos a dios por lluvia. Algunos adultos nos pidieron que les dieramos nuestra orina. No era comodo al principio, poner la taza abajo y darles a los adultos nuestro desecho.
Una tormenta repentina azotó sobre el oceano. Sin aviso, un rayo de luz cayó sobre el barco y lo partió en dos. Mi hermano se cayó al mar. Con la tormenta girando alrededor, se sumergía rápido! Un hombre brincó hacia el agua, usando toda su fuerza pudo tomar a mi hermano y lo puso sobre un pedazo de madera.
Todos sabían que mi hermano estaba muerto. Al no poder soportar la situación, mi madre se desmayó. Vió a mi hermano desnudo en su sueño y le dijo, “Mami, estoy contento con dios y sus angeles. Me tratan muy bien. Otros deben satisfacer otras condiciones antes de poder ver a dios. Pero como solo viví en la tierrra cuatro meses, pude ver a dios inmediatamente. Dios me pidió que les dijera que tú y otros crean en su espíritu de amor y confianza, y tengan fe en su presencia real en el sagrado sacramento, en donde uno no puede verlo. Tu fe se demuestra mediante tu devoción en misa, comunión y mediante tus visitas frecuentes al templo. Sin embargo, dios quiere que me regrese a la tierra! Te veo en unos minutos, mamá!”
La desapareción de mi hermano hizo despertar a mi madre. De repente, la tormenta cedió y empezó a llover. Me sorprendí al ver los dedos de mi hermano moverse. Pense que venía de mi imaginación, pero no lo era. Ahí! Mi hermano empezó a llorar, dándonos a saber que quería comer!
Jesus resucitó, dándonos la prueba de su divinidad. Toda la verdad y significado de nuestra fe recae sobre éste, el mayor de los milagros. Mi hermano también resucitó para decirnos que las enseñanzas son ciertas, y la iglesia que Jesus fundó es la iglesia del dios viviente. Sus sacramentos nos dan el camino hacia la salvación al impartir gracia divina.
Mi hermano tiene ocho años ahora. Quiere convertirse en cura para decirle a la gente que mantengan su fe en dios y sus promesas porque dios no es parte de nuestra imaginación—es verdadero.
Siempre le doy gracias a dios por haber salvado la vida a mi familia durante nuestro viaje a los Estado Unidos y en otros tiempos. Hace unos meses, me reuní con mis hermanas que dejé atrás. ¿Te das cuenta por qué tengo que estar agradecida y por qué creo en dios?

Estás soñando
Tercer lugar, $20
Richard Khoury, Grado 12
Chatsworth High School

Gente siempre dice que cuando muera me voy al cielo o al infierno. Pero, ¿Cómo saben eso? Cuando la gente tiene experiencias al morirse en un cuarto de hospital, y después regresan a la vida, dicen que vieron una luz brillante. Dicen que caminaban hacia la luz. ¡Qué tontería! Lo que vieron fue la luz brillante que vieron en el cuarto de urgencia directamente sobre su cara. Cuando dicen que se acercaban hacía ella, era solamente un sueño! Por ejemplo si se me dice que si yo estuviera soñando y mirara una luz brillante y me acercara a ella, eso significa que miré el cielo? Yo no creo en eso.
Mucha gente dice que se va a llegar el fin del mundo en el año 2,000. Muchas biblias lo dicen también. Yo no concuerdo. Eso es la cosa mas ridícula que he escuchado. El mundo se acaba cuando te mueres. Pónte a pensar, si el mundo un día se acaba, ¿como te vas a dar cuenta? Si piensas que existe un tipo de gloria, y si todos nos murimos al mismo tiempo, todos estaríamos juntos, ¿no?
Nadie tiene respuestas a estas preguntas. Es por eso que todos tienen sus opiniones. Yo personalmente creo en la evolución y la evolución no es una opinión. Evolución es una verdad. ¿Por qué las escuelas nos dan clases de evolución y no de religión? Por una simple razón. Religión es estrictamente creencia.”

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