“First Place Winner, $50
Tandra Vanhook, 15
Morningside High
I want to be a doctor
Dr. Vanhook, you’re needed in surgery,” says the voice of the new college intern at the desk. “Nurse will you tell surgery that I can’t go anywhere until I finish sewing this guy back up.” I was kind of irritated because this was the second time they said they needed me. Thoughts on how I’m going to finish my latest book ran through my mind as I neatly sewed up a surgery cut.
I’m a pediatrician, heart and brain surgeon here at Vanhook Medical Center. It’s crowded daily. People come from all over the world for my work. I must say I am pretty good, 15 years and no mistakes yet. Not to boast but some say I’m the greatest.
In my spare time, I write books and poems. Already I’ve had three bestselling books and I read one of my poems at the president’s inauguration. I guess I could say those four years at Harvard and eight years at Charles Drew University paid off a great deal.
“There, perfect. He’s looking good. Nurse, let’s get him to intensive care.” I ask nicely, sewing him up neatly. Now I must get to this surgery; afterwards I have a couple of conferences with pregnant women. Then I must see my publisher.
I must get a move on it. Beep, beep. Is that my pager? Oh no, it’s just my alarm clock. Unfortunately it’s time to wake up. That dream was so real. Maybe it’s my destiny. The only way this 11th grader will make this dream a reality is to get an education and to stay dedicated. If not, I’ll be forced to keep dreaming.
Second Place Winner, $30
Nicole Gonzalez, 16
Beverly Hills High School
I want to be a mother
I’ve wanted to be a teacher. I’ve wanted to be a lawyer. I think that being an actress would be fun and cool. And when people ask me what I want to do now I tell them broadcast journalism. But if I could be anything… I would be just a plain wife and mother.
Now there’s no glamor to that. Especially when you’ve put on pounds from all those kids, and you start wearing things that don’t match just because that was what was available when your little one woke up at three in the morning. But that’s what I’d want to be.
What’s wrong with being there for your kids or your husband when they need you to take them somewhere, want to talk to you, want to go watch them play a game, or accept an award? Sure, I’m going to get my education and start to pursue a career, because in today’s world a woman needs to have something to fall back on. If my husband were to leave me, or die, I would need to support myself and my children.
But if I didn’t have to work to support my family, I wouldn’t mind staying at home and being there for the ones I love. What’s wrong with being home when your kids come home from school? Having dinner ready when your husband comes home? Listening to your children’s worries and fears? Going to their soccer games? Keeping the house in an environment where people want to be in? Taking kids to friend’s houses?
Nowadays more and more kids need their parents to be home. With drug usage increasing and the number of young people becoming infected with AIDS, kids need their parents to be available to talk to.
I would love to be a journalist, but to be a mother and a wife, with successful children and a successful husband… that’s ideal. I wouldn’t want anything more than to wake up to an angelic face that says, “Mommy, I love you.” Even if it is at three in the morning.
Third Place Winner, $20
Kim Merritt
North High School
I want to be a veterinarian
Ever since I was a little kid I loved animals. I think it started with Henry the goldfish. He was my first pet. Ever since Henry, I’m just not happy unless there is a furry little creature resting next to me.
In middle school when everyone around me was making choices and deciding what path to take to lead them to their Dream Future, I was completely cluelesss. I had no idea what I wanted to do with myself; I felt lost with no goal and nothing to focus on. I decided I wanted to be rich. I also knew I wanted to do something I enjoyed. When I wake up on my 50th birthday I want to get up and go to work because I love what I do!
One day I was sitting on the couch watching TV, my dog’s nose nestled under my hand. In the background I heard Fred the Rat contently chewing on his squeak toy. In the corner of my eye I caught my bird racing by on a mission to bite my toe. If I looked over, I could almost guarantee Iggy would be stretched out basking himself under his heat lamp. I suddenly realized how happy I was with the chaos my little zoo brought me.
I wished there was something I could do where I could be close to the animals I love. I finally decided that becoming a veterinarian was the life for me. I know that it’s going to be a lot of school and it will take dedication to get where I want to be but now that I have a goal, everything seems to be coming into place. I decided it will be worth it. I feel full and ready to become a veterinarian.
Honorable Mention
Yvonne Pham, 11, Eldridge Rice Elementary School
I want to teach
What is my ideal job? Well, let me start from the beginning. When I was around two and a half (according to my mom), I was beginning to teach my brother that was one and a half (but now 10) to sing the alphabet. I also taught him how to count from one to three. My mom said I was pretty smart. My ideal job is to become a teacher for a kindergarten class. I really like kids. I know this is a common job but I really like it.
Now I spend lots of time with little kids and ask them a lot of questions. I want to know more about kids. Since I ‘m already in sixth grade, I forgot about my years in kindergarten. Some of my cousins are in kindergarten so whenever they come to my house on the weekends, I help them practice for their spelling tests. I figure that teaching them wasn’t easy at all. I make them write each word five times and two minutes later they forget.
Do you think I will make it to my ideal job? Yes. I think I will make it. Why? A few weeks ago, before school started, I din’t think I would get to sixth grade, but I did. Hey, it could happen. All I have to do is have confidence in myself.”