Drug Abuse Checklist

Knowing the common signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse can help you identify problems before they get out of control. If someone you know shows these symptoms, take steps to get help before experimental use turns to addiction.

Physical symptoms:
o Looks different—has lost or gained weight, changed style of dress, neglected of appearance
o Seems intoxicated, hungover
o Uses of breath mints, gum and other things to hide signs of drug and alcohol use

Emotional symptoms:
o Has extreme changes in emotion: mood swings, depression/elation, sociable/withdrawn, anger, defiance, irritability, confusion
o Seems withdrawn, isolated, depressed
o Seems anxious, paranoid and suspicious
o Attitude changes, such as blaming others for their problems ("It’s your fault; They made me do it.")
o Seems to be in denial ("These drugs aren’t mine; I’m just holding them for a friend.")
o Seems arrogant: ("I’m in control, I can handle it. I can quit anytime.")

Behavioral Symptoms:
o Preoccupied with partying and having a good time; loses interest in hobbies and sports
o Extremely tired in waking hours; sleeps in all day or falls asleep during the day
o Forgetful, misplaces objects
o Uses candles, incense and room deodorizers to hide smells
o Draws drug graffiti
o Fights with or avoids family members, is secretive, breaks rules
o Wants extreme privacy, spends unusually long periods of time in bathroom, bedroom or garage

o Grades drop, falls behind in work, produces poor quality of work, fights with teachers
o Ditches or comes late, ignores rules
o Drops normal extracurricular activities

Social Life:
o Change in circle of friends, new friends not brought over to house
o Has secret phone calls, late night activities
o Shows increased intimacy in public, is more promiscuous

Legal System:
o Caught for possession of drugs or alcohol, possession of drug paraphernalia (pipes, roach clips, rolling papers, plastic baggies/ film containers with marijuana, glue tubes, etc.)
o Caught driving under the influence or has auto accidents
o Borrows, begs or takes money and spends it without accounting for how it was spent
o Engages in criminal behavior such as theft or dealing drugs

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