

“Every woman in my family has a signature recipe that everyone asks them to prepare for special occasions. My aunt’s signature recipe is one of my favorite dishes of all time: dobladas. My aunt brought this recipe back from Guatemala and changed it to make it her own. The first time she made them for our family everyone liked them so much that it was decided, “That’s her signature recipe!” Although the healthy version doesn’t taste the same (considering it’s not fried), it still tastes really good and remains the best dish in my book.” —Jennifer Carcamo
Ingredients: (for 15 people)
4 pounds chicken breast
4 potatoes
15 wheat tortillas
2 heads green cabbage
4 bushels cilantro
1/2 tablespoon Spike salt
1 tablespoon chicken flavored bouillon
3 bushels radishes (approximately 20)
6 lemons
8 tomatoes
1/4 chopped onion
2 bay leaves
1 pinch thyme
1 Boil the potatoes. Take them out once they are soft (about 15 minutes). Peel them and smash them using your hands (wash your hands first) until they resemble mashed potatoes.

Boil chicken for 1 hour, adding chicken flavored bouillon to meat while boiling. Take chicken out, let cool and shred with your hands.

Heat up tortillas in microwave (5 at a time). Put desired chicken and/or potato in tortilla. Fold the tortilla. Steam doblada in steamer pan for 5 minutes.

1 Wash cabbage thoroughly and shred into tiny strips. Put into big bowl.

2 Wash radishes and cut them into slices. Put into bowl with cabbage.

3 Wash cilantro and cut into small pieces. Add and mix in bowl with other ingredients.

4 Cut lemons in half and squeeze juice onto salad.

5 Add salt and mix all ingredients.

Boil the tomatoes in a small pot with chopped onion, bay leaves and thyme.

2 Liquefy the tomatoes and onion in blender. Put liquefied tomatoes into hot pot and turn off when it’s boiling.

1 Place desired dobladas on plate.
2 Put desired amount of salad on dobladas.
3 Serve spoonful of salsa on top of salad.

Taste-tester said:
"It tasted a bit different because it wasn’t fried, and the chicken was a little dry, but I liked it with the veggies." Rachel Cantrell, 14, West Ranch HS (Stevenson Ranch)

"Flavorful for such simple ingredients." Walker Andreen, 16, Pilgrim School

Other recipes:
Pizza | Cactus salad | Peach crisp | Peanut butter cookies | Blueberry muffins | Banana Cream Pie | Chocolate pudding

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