CD reviews

"The Immaculate Collection by Madonna. Everyone should own a Madonna CD, and you can’t go wrong with a collection of all her 80’s hits!
     Also, Significant Other by Limp Bizkit. I wasn’t a big fan of this band until I started listening to my friend’s CD. It’s AWESOME! and I think they’re a whole new genre of music."
—Sara Hahn, 16, Mayfield Senior School

"Even though it’s old, I absolutely LOVE The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill. It is sooooooo original. She writes all the lyrics and composes music herself, and I can relate to all her songs, especially one in particular, I’m not sure what it’s called, but I think it’s ‘That Thing (Doo Wop).’ I don’t have the CD right now, (my friend lost it) but it’s great!!!"
—Sharon Hwang, 17, North Hollywood HS

"Buena Vista Social Club is authentic Cuban music. It’s really different; you’re not going to hear this on KIIS. Some of the songs you can dance to, some are relaxing. I never buy CDs—I consider them highway robbery—but I love this CD."
—Gohar Galyan, 18, Marshall HS

"Forty Ounces To Freedom by Sublime because most people have the newer stuff. This is one of their older albums and it’s really good. Sublime has a great mixture of rock influenced by reggae, blues and ska."
—Brian Miller, 17, Oakwood

"Licensed to Ill by The Beastie Boys."
—Nicole Fels, 14, Beverly Hills HS

"Post by Bjork, or Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (a double CD) by The Smashing Pumpkins. It’s too hard to choose one. Post is just filled with so much energy, and creativity—it really makes you want to smile. However, Melancholy… has such a variety of sounds. Billy Corgan is my hero when it comes to lyrics—truly a poetic genius."
—Nikki Segate, 15, Alverno HS

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