Do your dreams differ from your parents’ expectations?
“I really want to go to NYU to study the arts. My parents want me to go to medical school
“I really want to go to NYU to study the arts. My parents want me to go to medical school
Bon Jin, 18, is pursuing writing, even though it’s not what his parents wanted.
Our teen writers recommend The House at Riverton and The Hunger Games.
Teens share their views of smoking.
Most of our staff writers said no.
Jennifer, 15, has tried to get him to quit but he won’t listen to her.
I was born into a smoking family. My dad, uncles and older cousins smoke all the time. They never listen to anyone’s pleas to quit. I hate it when they smoke right in front of my face or at my house because I can’t stand the smell. I’m scared that one day I might get sick from inhaling the wafts of thick smoke. Even though I tell them about the risks to their health, nothing has stopped their addiction, even when my grandpa died from smoking.
These are letters we received about stories that appeared in the October 2010 issue of L.A. Youth.
These teens express who they are with their bags.
L.A. Youth writers give thumbs up to 3OH!3, Demon Hunter and Neon Trees.
Essay contest winners wrote a letter a day, dated the friend of their crush and told the whole cafeteria how they felt.