Hey, Mr. President! Here’s our advice:
Teens from throughout L.A. County told the new President what his top priorities should be.
November 14, 2000
Teens from throughout L.A. County told the new President what his top priorities should be.
Street artists threw up some stunning work at a legal graffiti event in Highland Park.
Raised by an abusive family, pregnant with twins at 13, her life seemed like a disaster. But this courageous teen has managed to graduate from high school and get on with her life.
When he moved here from Taiwan as a kid, Vincent, 18, knew exactly who he was. But now after years of trying to become as American as apple pie, he is torn between two identities.
“Always remember,” my mother said in Mandarin, “that you are a Chinese person. Never forget where you came from.”
Howard has the A+, Korean school, cello-playing, why-can’t-you-be-more- like-your-sister blues.
Daniel, 16, presents evidence that football players aren’t always as dumb as people think.
Girls and guys have got their eyes on each others’ derrieres.
El Camino Real High students described their favorite CDs, video rentals and fun stuff to do.
While all the politicians complain that video games are making kids violent, Harry, 14, says that a violent game has improved his grades and changed his life.
Harry describes how a video game motivated him to try harder in other areas of his life.