I felt their fear

Having survived an armed robbery, Se, 16, felt a strong connection to the people at Virginia Tech.

Book reviews

Our teen reviewers enjoyed the vampire romance Twilight and Memoirs of a Geisha.

Surviving senioritis

After years of sacrificing her social life for studying, Mar, 18, slacked off (a little).

Restaurant review: Breadbar

With gourmet breads in exotic flavors, like chocolate, Breadbar tempts the discriminating diner.

Growing pains

After years of wishing she were taller, Samantha, 17, now embraces being only 4 feet 9.

CD Reviews

BeyoncĂ©, Belanova and Lloyd get thumbs up from our teen reviewers. With a new review of Peter, Bjorn and John’s Writer’s Block.

Big Burger

With summer job hunting just around the corner, Francisco, 15, created this comic strip about working in a fast-food restaurant.

Movie review: Spider-Man 3

With its web of villains, Nattalie, 16, says that the latest Spider-Man is a thrilling ride. But Charlene counters that it’s boring.