Movie review: A Knight’s Tale
Jennifer, 15, gives thumbs up to Heath Ledger’s latest movie.
May 12, 2001
Jennifer, 15, gives thumbs up to Heath Ledger’s latest movie.
When he was a Westchester High student, Eddie never dreamed he would one day be designing games for the PlayStation.
Vintage clothes can brighten your day, says Tory, 16.
Vintage stores have always held a sort of magic for me. I walk in, assaulted by the smell of mothballs and old silk, a bit of dust, and maybe even the lingering scent of stale perfume.
Feedback from our readers about stories in the March – April issue of L.A. Youth.
Howard, 14, describes the crowds that the new year-round school system at Marshall High School causes.
Violence dominated the headlines on the front page of the Los Angeles Times in March.
After all the horrible articles I read in the Los Angeles Times that make teenagers look like killers, I figured
What do you think of teens today? "They’re rebellious—that’s good!" —Fred Ingas, 27, an engineer "They’re just maturing quicker than
Francis, 15, describes his addiction to television.