“You know how it is when you’re stressed out: Your mom walks in with cookies and milk on a tray and you practically kick her out (keeping the cookies of course). The stress might not be her fault, but she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Luckily, my mom takes it with a grain of salt and forgives me (phew!).
What I do to relieve stress is turn up my radio so loud that it drowns out all other noises. I know it may sound odd, but a bunch of little sounds like the TV on with practically no volume, the ticking of clocks and the dripping faucets get me 200 percent more agitated than Busta Rhymes screaming his brains out at 80 decibels. I no longer hear my problems when I blast my radio. Even though I’m virtually becoming deaf, at least I’m hearing one thing at a time, allowing me to tackle one thing at a time.
So if you’re having trouble solving problems, gently place your favorite, LOUD CD into your boom box and turn it up.”