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homeDating violence
 Dating violence art
A color cartoon showing two girls talking. A girl with black hair asks her friend who is crying, "Why do you let him treat you this way?" The friend says, "Cause I love him a lot!" At the bottom of the picture are the words: "True love is not taking up punches or kick. True love is taking love, respect and care for each other."
“’Cause I Love Him” by Sergio Nieto,
Valley High School in La Puente. 
Copyright 2002 Haven House 
and Sergio Nieto.
A divided poster. The left side shows a girl walking her dog past a window that silhouettes a couple in apparent embrace. The girl walking the dog thinks "Wow, cute couple." The right side of the poster though shows that the boyfriend is actually striking the girl.
“True View” by Melody Yao, 17, 
Los Angeles County High School for the Arts.
Copyright 2002 Haven House 
and Melody Yao.
Los Angeles high school students developed this artwork using information from Haven House, a women’s shelter which offers workshops on teen dating violence and healthy relationships. If you or someone you know is being abused, please call the Haven House hotline at (323) 681-2626.

Check out Haven House’s Web site, www.ItsNotOK.org, which empowers teens to end domestic violence and have healthy relationships.

A rectangular poster depicting dozens of violent images (guns, knives, hammers, monsters) pointing at the lower left corner, where a woman is crouched with her hand held up shielding her face from the violence. The dominant image is that of a monstrous-looking human head. Above the piece are the words: "It's Not OK"
“It’s Not OK” by Jean Luc Unger, 15, 
Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. 
Copyright 2002 Haven House and Jean Luc Unger.

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Bobby Approved (v 3.2)

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