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Gang injunctions
Gang injunctions are a controversial and legal tactic used by cities to curb gang activity. Typically a city attorneys office issues an injunction against specific members of a gang, based on reports and evidence of nuisance. Once issued, the injunction prevents those named from carrying cell phones or pagers, wearing gang clothing or gathering in public.
Critics argue that gang injunctions tread on peoples civil rights, in that they restrict activities such as gathering in public, which are normally protected under the First Amendment. Authorities are divided on whether injunctions actually lower the crime rate.
• The Constitutional Rights Foundation offers a well-stocked page of resources on gangs and gang history, including statistics, analyses and news articles.
•, which is run by Alejandro A. Alonso, a Ph.D. student at USC, offers a long list of media coverage on gang injuctions, as well as links to statistics, research and gang history.
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