“”We love LA Youth. It addresses our students’ concerns in their own voices. We read each issue from cover to cover. In fact, we never have enough copies to go around.”
—Terry Caplenor, Teacher, Eagle Rock High School
“I think this LA Youth has helped me a lot.
Reading this can help people get out of problems such as drugs, gangs, relationships. It made people realize that you can get better if you try.”
—Danny Thai, 16, Chatsworth High School
“You are to be commended for providing a forum for young people to express their views. Your paper encourages teens to think about and discuss subjects that need to be confronted. If the “mainstream” journals had your courage to solicit and publish the views of young writers, more adults would learn to take note of what young people think.”
—Harvey Bailey, Juvenile Diversion Program, Culver City Police Department
“There’s finally a newspaper we can relate to.”
—Jamie Acuña Jr., 16, Los Angeles High School
“As a business person, I need to be knowledgeable about my future clients, employees and members of the community. LA Youth is the best connection I have to teens.”
—Melody Juge, Insurance and Financial Services, Mass Mutual
“I felt like I was part of something important, that I was making a valuable contribution (through) the dissemination of information to help others. I am now a firm advocate of children and teen rights.”
—Lenore Hittelman, LA Youth alumna
“LA Youth enriched my high school career and allowed me to get a well-rounded education. I was able to explore journalism and the many issues involved with the profession in a way that a high school paper would never have allowed. I also gained skills that (will) come into play as I start forging a career path for my life.”
—Andrew Viertel, LA Youth alumni”