<< He seemed like the perfect boyfriend ...

If you answer yes to two or more of these questions, you are in an abusive relationship or your relationship is likely to become abusive.

• Are you frightened of your boyfriend or girlfriend’s temper?
• Are you afraid to disagree with him or her?
• Do you find yourself apologizing to yourself and others for your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s behavior when you are treated badly?
• Have you been frightened by his or her violence towards others?
• Have you been hit, kicked, shoved or had things thrown at you?
• Do you not see friends or family because of his jealousy?
• Have you been forced to have sex?
• Have you been afraid to say no to sex?
• Are you forced to justify everything you do, every place you go, every person you see to avoid his or her temper?
• Have you been wrongly and repeatedly accused of flirting or having sex with others?
• Are you unable to go out, get a job, or go to school without his or her permission?
• Have you become secretive, ashamed, or hostile to your parents because of this relationship?


If you answer yes to two or more of these questions, then you are an abuser.

• Are you extremely jealous or possessive?
• Do you have an explosive temper?
• Do you consistently ridicule, criticize or insult your girlfriend or boyfriend?
• Do you become violent when you drink and/or use drugs?
• Have you broken your girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s things or thrown things at them?
• Have you hit, pushed, kicked or otherwise injured them when you were angry?
• Have you threatened to hurt or kill them or someone close to them?
• Have you forced them to have sex or intimidated them so they are afraid to say no?
• Have you threatened to kill yourself if they leave?
• Do you make them account to you for every moment they are away from you?
• Do you spy on them or call them constantly to check up on them?
• Do you accuse them of seeing other guys or girls?

Source: In Love and In Danger: A Teen’s Guide to Breaking Free of Abusive Relationships by Barrie Levy