These are letters we received about stories in the October issue of L.A. Youth.

Annoying cat calls

This article is nothing but reality. These days, girls can’t walk outside in skirts or halter tops without getting cat calls. Cindy is right, we need to speak up for ourselves and let men know we are not some type of object to be whistled at. Girls should feel free to wear whatever they would like without getting those harassing cat calls.
Ashley Barrientos, East Valley HS (North Hollywood)

The article “Don’t baby me” was very interesting and true. One time, my friend made a cat call to this girl and she got really mad. The girl walked over to my friend and slapped him. I don’t do cat calls and I’m glad. I would rather approach girls by saying hello or try to find out if they have a friend who I know and tell that friend to ask her what she thinks of me.
Mario Zavala, East Valley HS

After reading this article I can see and understand how frustrating it may be for some girls. Myself, a 13-year-old male who has aunts, sisters and a mother, have heard men yell some remarks to them before. To hear comments like those, it is degrading and disrespectful to them and me. It has made them angry at times and I have felt upset. This article has shown me that people can be easily offended by remarks from other people, even if they think it’s a compliment. What matters the most is the way you say it.
Carlos Cardona, Wilson MS (Glendale)

I related the most to “Don’t baby me” because I hate the way guys act immature to catch a girl’s attention. The thing I hate most is the whistling. It makes me think that they think I’m either a dog or a fast girl. I hope that when other people read this article, especially guys who make those stupid comments, they see how uncomfortable and bad it makes girls feel.
Jackie Castaneda, Paramount HS

When I read “Don’t baby me” I thought Cindy was right. It is wrong for guys to look at you in a disgusting way. I know from experience how Cindy feels. My friends and I will be at the gym practicing volleyball and guys will watch our every move. If you get looked at by a guy you feel like the center of attention and it can get really uncomfortable if it goes too far.
Lauren Curtis, Hutchinson MS (La Mirada)

I think guys shouldn’t make cat calls to girls. It’s really disrespectful. Also, in my city they do that a lot to my sisters and my niece, and I get really angry. So I agree with you Cindy, even though I’m a guy myself.
    I’m not that kind of person, making cat calls and all that, you know. I would never do that, especially if I know that it gets the girl angry or if it offends her. When I see a girl, I sometimes say hi to make friends. So don’t worry Cindy, and all you girls out there, I’m on your side.
David Toledo, Paramount HS

Strays need our help

I felt really sad reading the article “Strays need our help.” I did not like to hear about dogs being killed at animal shelters if nobody adopts them. I hope that all pet owners spay and neuter their dogs so there are fewer dogs at the animal shelter. It would be nice if more people would adopt these dogs and give them a nice home. I have three dogs and love them very much. My dogs are playful, friendly and they protect me. I adopted two of my dogs from an animal shelter. I agree that a dog is man’s best friend.
Patrick Aquino, Wilson MS

I love helping animals. I can relate to what Leslie wrote because whenever I see a stray dog or cat I try to feed it. When I read this article I was amazed by how many animals are euthanized. Just like Leslie, my dog, Libby, is my best friend. Every time I see a stray animal I beg my mom to pick it up. If I take it home, I put up posters to see if anyone lost their pet. I hope this article helps people notice that strays do need our help.
Monica Lucero, Hutchinson MS

Group home blues

When I read the article “You call this home?” it got me thinking of the time I used to think that I wanted to run away or move out. Whenever I got in an argument with my parents I always thought about running away, and I knew I would have to be kept in children’s services. After I read the article I realized how much freedom I have compared to what is given to kids who live in a group home. The group home had people in it who would steal and do all sorts of things, plus it wasn’t a real family. I realize how lucky I am and promise myself that no matter how mad I am at my parents, to never even think about running away.
Yvonne Cuaresma, Wilson MS

I think if I was in a group home I would go crazy and I would feel very frustrated. I think I would feel like a prisoner and at any chance of escaping I would do it. Living a life like that is like living in hell and I hope that I never have to go through that.
Oscar Amezcua, East Valley HS

My sister is more than her disability

One article that really captured my attention was written by Jisu Yoo, “My sister is more than her disability.” It was surprising because although I knew Jisu, I would’ve never thought that she had a younger sister with cerebral palsy. Before, I looked at handicapped people with pity, but after reading her article, it changed my views. I now realize they don’t need my pity. I look at them as I look at everyone else because they’re humans too, just a little different in their own way, just like everyone else.
Sharon Lim, Wilson MS

When I read “My sister is more than her disability” I thought it was really sad and unfortunate, and I started thinking about the way I treat my brother—not because he has a disability but I still treat him badly. I take him for granted and I should be a better brother. After reading this article it made me think that I should be a role model to him instead of always fighting with him.
After reading this story I felt so depressed that I take things for granted. Not until I read this story did I feel an appreciation for having a loving mom and brother. I really enjoyed the article and it helped me to rethink the way I look at life and family.
Gino Mekerdichian, Wilson MS